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What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer, and how is the yellow fruit that comes in summer beneficial:?


I believe you will be surprised to hear about the yellow fruit, what is the yellow fruit? In fact, it is not common in northern China. It is a unique fruit that grows in coastal cities in the south. Although it is bland and tasteless, it is rich in nutritional value. The summer is hot and rainy. In this season, the fruit begins to come on the market slowly, with sufficient light and rain. , Fruits are sweet and delicious, with high vitamin content and sufficient water. Eating more seasonal fruits in summer can also bring benefits to the body. What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer

What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer
  • For the southern region, fruits can be free, such as bayberry, peach, watermelon, dragon fruit, lychee, banana, durian, jackfruit, etc.
  • In fact, in addition to these common fruits, there is also a unique fruit in the south, that is, yellow skin fruit.
  • In the south, people call the yellow skin fruit as the best fruit of Lingnan, and it is also the treasure of the fruit.
  • Especially in June and July every year, it is a good season to eat yellow skin.
  • Eating too much lychee can easily cause anger and high sugar content.
  • You might as well eat more yellow skin. Fruits with skin can bring digestion, qi, clearing heat and quenching thirst, relieving summer heat and other functions to the body.
  • Eating more fruits will not have some impact on the body, and it will help moisten the lungs and relieve cough, and maintain the respiratory system. Relatively speaking, yellow skin Fruits are treasures.
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer

What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer or how the yellow fruit which comes in summer is beneficial:?

  • Help quench thirst
  • Clear heat and reduce fire in summer
  • Nourishes and nstrengthens the stomach
  • Regulate Qi

1. Help quench thirst

What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer

The taste of Huangpi fruit is very crisp and the water is very rich. It is easy to feel thirsty that day. If you eat Huangpi fruit properly, it can promote body fluid and quench thirst, moisten the throat and moisten dryness. After eating it, it will make people feel refreshed, especially suitable for dry mouth and eyes. People who are dry, sleep deprived, and talk too much.

2. Clear heat and reduce fire In summer

In summer the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the weather is hot and easy to get angry. You can eat more yellow skin, put the pulp, peel, and pit in your mouth, chew the slag and juice together, which can reduce the fire, especially when you feel thirsty and head stuffy. People can also prevent heatstroke.

3. Nourishes and strengthens the stomach

Nowadays, many people have gastrointestinal problems. For such people, they can usually eat yellow ones. The peel fruit can neutralize stomach acid, relieve stomach pain, and have the effect of nourishing the stomach and strengthening the stomach. The peel fruit can be used for indigestion and chest pain.

4. Regulate Qi

The nutrients in the yellow peel fruit help to supplement anti-corruption and blood amino acids, increase the concentration of gastric juice, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and rich in phenolic compounds, which can regulate qi and blood and relieve the pain caused by stagnation of qi and blood.

Who are the taboo groups of yellow fruit?

  • Huangpi Guo not only tastes good, but also has the functions of reducing fire, helping digestion, digestion, strengthening the spleen, resolving phlegm, and relieving asthma. It has high edible and medicinal value, but people with spleen and stomach deficiency or gastritis should pay attention. Do not eat more yellow skin, otherwise it will easily cause diarrhea.
  • It is not recommended for minors to eat more yellow fruit, because the minors are still young and their digestive system is not perfect. Eating more yellow fruit will hurt the stomach and cause symptoms such as diarrhea.
  • People with high blood sugar should eat yellow fruit carefully. Although yellow peel is rich in vitamin C and sugar, it helps to supplement energy and nutrition, but people with high blood sugar should not eat it, which will easily increase blood sugar.
  • Pregnant women should pay attention to balanced nutrition during pregnancy. It is not recommended to eat too much of any fruit. Yellow peel has certain medicinal properties. It is usually not recommended to eat during pregnancy. It is necessary to carry out under the guidance of a doctor.
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer

What are the side effects of yellow peel?

  • Stomach discomfort
  • Stimulate the stomach
  • Get angry
  • Aggravate some gastrointestinal diseases
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer
What is the role of the yellow fruit which comes in summer

1. Stomach discomfort

Guo Huang contains high-fat oil components, which can promote gastrointestinal motility after eating; if you eat too much, it is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loose stools and other symptoms, so it is recommended that normal people eat 5-10 yellow-skinned fruits every day.

2. Stimulate the stomach

Peel fruit contains a certain amount of organic acids, moderate consumption can promote gastric acid secretion and promote digestion, but if you eat too much, the organic acid in the yellow peel will increase the burden on the human stomach, causing nausea, vomiting, and another discomfort, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort.

3. Get Angry

When Guo Huang’s stomach acid is slightly bitter and warm, and excessive consumption of the human body cannot reduce digestion and metabolism in time, it may cause the human body to get angry, causing itching, redness, nausea, dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms, posing a threat to human health.

4. Aggravate some gastrointestinal diseases

People with hyperacidity and ulcers need to be cautious about eating yellow peel, because the yellow peel is rich in fruit acid, which will stimulate the oral mucosa and accelerate the secretion of gastric acid after eating, which is not good for people with hyperacidity and ulcer disease, and may aggravate symptom.

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