The Silent Sea is an upcoming South Koreansci-film mystery thriller streaming television series starring Gong Yoo, Bae Doona, and Lee Joon. The series is an adaptation of the 2014 short film The Sea of Tranquility written and directed by the Choi Hang-yong who will also direct the series. It is scheduled to be released on Netflix on December 24, 2021, coinciding with Christmas Eve. The Silent Sea Season 1 All Episodes
If you like to watch science fiction web series then it will be the best option for you. This series will release on Netflix on 24 December 2021. You can watch all episodes on the Netflix. After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The traler of the series has been already released on the youtube channel Netflix. And its crossed only 400k views on youtube. After seeing the trailer response its seems not much audience is excited to watch this series. The results will come after the release series.
But most of the audience likes science fiction series with action but here not action scenes it’s just about survival. Maybe if this series will no action scenes then the audience will not like it too much. But the series is a survival series. That’s why the trailer views are very low on Netflix. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail.
The Silent Sea Season 1 All Cast and Crew Member
Series | The Silent Sea |
Genre | Science Fiction |
Season | 1 |
Episodes | 8 |
Cast | Gong Yoo Bae Doona Lee Joon Kim Sun-young Lee Moo-Saeng Heo Sung-Tae |
Director | Choi Hang-yong |
Writer | Park Eun-kyo |
Production Company | Artist Company |
Release Date | 24 December 2021 |
Release Language | English , Korean, Hindi |
Release Platform | Netflix |
Bae Doona is playing the role as Doctor Song Ji-an. | |
Kim Sun-young is playing the role as | |
Gong Yoo is playing the role as Han Yoon-jae. | |
Lee Joon is playing the role as Ryoo Tae-seok. | |
Lee Moo-Saeng is playing the role as Gong Soo-hyuk | |
Heo Sung-Tae is playing the role as Kim Jae-sun. |
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