Tekken: Bloodline (2022) is an upcoming Netflix original animation series. And it’s scheduled to stream on Netflix on 18 August 2022 in English and Japanese language. The series directed by Katsuhiro Harada and also produced by him Katsuhiro Harada. The star cast of the series is Ej Neri. This animated series will be available on Netflix on 18 August 2022. So you can watch this series in English and Japanese language. Tekken: Bloodline Tv Series Wikipedia
The Tekken Bloodline series is based on video games. After watching the trailer of the Anime series Tekken Bloodline we can say that this is a good watchable anime series. The trailer of the series has already been released on the Youtube channel. And it’s liked by many audiences. It crossed over 1.3 Million views on the Netflix channel. Its seems very popular on Youtube. If you like to watch Anime Series then its will be the best option for you. But this anime series will only release on Netflix in English and Japanese language. So you have to watch with the help of subtitles. Read below down all cast and crew members of the Tekken Bloodline in detail.
Tekken Bloodline Netflix Series Wikipedia All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Tekken: Bloodline |
Genre | Anime |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Tekken: Bloodline |
Director | Katsuhiro Harada |
Producer | Katsuhiro Harada |
Release Date | 18 August 2022 |
Release Language | Engish and Japanese |
Release Platform | Netflix |
Tekken Bloodline Tv Series Cast
Ej Neri is playing the role in this series.
Tekken Bloodline Tv Series Storyline
The story of this anime series is based on a popular video game. Jin Kazama learned the family self-defense arts, Kazama Style Traditional Martial Arts, from his mother at an early age. Even so, he was powerless when a monstrous evil suddenly appeared, destroying everything dear to him, changing his life forever. Angry at himself for being unable to stop it, Jin vowed revenge and sought absolute power to exact it. His quest will lead to the ultimate battle on a global stage, The King of Iron Fist Tournament.
Tekken Bloodline Trailer
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