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How am I suppose to drink a lot of water if it makes me pee like every 15 minutes

Introduction: It may happen in everyone’s life that some people drink a small amount of water and go to the toilet frequently, and some people drink a lot of water and do not have the habit of going to the toilet. After drinking water, it is absorbed through the intestines, and the water enters the kidneys, and forms original urine under the action of filtration, which is reabsorbed by the renal tubules and glomeruli and stored in the bladder. How am I suppose to drink a lot of water if it makes me pee like every 15 minutes

How am I suppose to drink a lot of water if it makes me pee like every 15 minutes
How am I suppose to drink a lot of water if it makes me pee like every 15 minutes

After drinking water, normal people will complete the urine conversion in a few minutes, and the urge to urinate will appear after about half an hour. Many factors will affect the speed of urine production, such as the amount of exercise, temperature, water intake, whether the body is dehydrated, etc. When urine is stored in the bladder to a certain extent, a urination signal will be sent to the brain, resulting in a clear feeling of urination. How am I suppose to drink a lot of water if it makes me pee like every 15 minutes

1. If you urinate more after drinking water, does it mean that your kidneys are good or bad?

In fact, increasing urination after drinking water is not necessarily an abnormal performance. If you drink too much water at one time, it will increase the water concentration in the blood and increase the pressure on the kidneys, which will improve the filtering effect and stabilize the electrolyte balance in the body. After drinking water, it will reduce the secretion of antidiuretic hormone, affect the reabsorption function of renal tubules, reduce the level of antidiuretic hormone, reduce the ability of renal tubules to absorb water, and thus increase the amount of urine.

Some abnormal conditions can also cause increased urination, such as tubulopathy, which reduces reabsorption, usually nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and increases the frequency of urination even without drinking a lot of water. If you maintain a normal amount of water in daily life, and there is no excess sweating, and there is a significant increase in the amount of urine, it may be a manifestation of abnormal problems. You should go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid kidney damage.

2. What other reasons are easy to cause more urine after drinking water?

A. Chronic cystitis

The human body does not have sufficient resistance to invade all kinds of harmful bacteria, which will go up through the urethra or infiltrate the blood, which will affect the bladder and easily cause inflammation.

What other reasons are easy to cause more urine after drinking water?
What other reasons are easy to cause more urine after drinking water?

B. Prostatic hyperplasia

Older people generally have prostatic hyperplasia problems, but there are differences in the degree. With increasing age, the secretion capacity of the prostate will be reduced, resulting in the occurrence of prostatic hyperplasia. The urethra is compressed by the proliferative tissue, which can easily cause frequent urination.

C. Caused by prostatitis

When prostatitis occurs, it will also cause frequent urination, blood in the urine, frequent urination and urgency of urination, and sometimes there will be problems such as loss of appetite, body pain, and chills.

D. Reproductive infections

Infections in the male reproductive system can lead to inflammatory reactions, which can easily lead to frequent urination and urgency over time. The clinical difficulty in the treatment of reproductive infection is relatively high, and there is a possibility of recurrence. Everyone should pay attention to it and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

3. What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?
What are the symptoms of kidney failure?
  1. After kidney disease enters the end-stage, it is impossible to excrete urea through urine, and it can only be metabolized by the skin. After being stimulated, it will lead to the deposition of toxins and cause itching.
  2. Severe kidney disease can also affect gastrointestinal function, causing loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, etc. If there is no problem with the digestive system, a kidney examination should be done.
  3. The human body excretes excess water through the kidneys, and the accumulation of water in the body can easily cause edema problems such as edema of the lower extremities and edema of the eyelids, especially after getting up in the morning, and the kidneys should be checked in time.
  4. After kidney problems, it will cause increased urine. If you don’t have the habit of getting up at night, you are often awakened by nocturia in a short period of time, and you do not increase the amount of water you drink, which may be a manifestation of kidney disease.
  5. The human body has a light yellow and transparent color of urine when it is normal. If the daily increase or decrease of water is a lot, or the first urination after getting up in the morning, there will be a slightly darker color. If there is too much urine foam or obvious urine Red, you should pay attention to kidney health.

4. How to regulate the kidneys?

A. Stabilize blood pressure

People with high blood pressure are prone to hypertensive nephropathy. They should pay attention to control the stability of blood pressure, and use antihypertensive drugs on time under the guidance of doctors.

B. Use drugs with caution

How to regulate the kidneys?
How to regulate the kidneys?

Some medicines have nephrotoxicity. Do not use these medicines for a long time. Some herbal medicines, angiography agents, analgesics, and antibiotics are also easy to damage the kidneys. You should consult your doctor before using them.

C. Weight control

If the human body is too obese, there will be a higher probability of chronic kidney disease, which is about 3 to 4 times higher. It is necessary to control calorie intake in life. Develop the habit of exercising to help you lose weight. Don’t lose weight by dieting, which can easily cause problems such as anorexia nervosa and malnutrition. You should also avoid taking diet pills to lose weight, which may damage your kidneys.

D. Healthy living habits

How to regulate the kidneys?
How to regulate the kidneys?

In daily life, it is necessary to have a light diet, avoid taking too much salt, and control the intake of potassium elements, such as chicken, cauliflower, celery, leeks, spinach, lotus root, soybean sprouts, potatoes, seaweed, mushrooms, etc., all of which are biased. High potassium content, should be touched as little as possible.


Conclusion: In general, excessive urination after drinking water is not necessarily a symptom of disease, but if it is caused by pathological factors, timely inspection and regulation should be done to avoid more serious effects. Read more tips about health on