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Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

Introduction: When it comes to leukemia, everyone should be familiar with it. You can often see news of leukemia in children on the Internet. At present, various medical technologies have been greatly developed, but there is still no effective means to treat leukemia. Even if cancer cells can be eliminated, there may be recurrence problems. Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator
Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

After children develop leukemia, they need to bear the dual pressure of mind and body, which is also a heavy burden for families. In particular, most families have only general economic conditions, and many times they are powerless and can only watch their lives pass away.

After the appearance of leukemia, the hematopoietic stem cells in the body will be necrotic. It is a malignant blood cancer disease. The rapid growth and division of cancer cells cannot be effectively suppressed in time, and it continues to spread to various organs in the body, resulting in the necrosis of body tissue functions. In the current treatment of leukemia, in addition to the use of drug-targeted therapy, there is also a method that requires bone marrow transplantation to reshape the patient’s hematopoietic function, which is not ideal in terms of cure rate.

1. What abnormality does the body show before the onset of leukemia?

A. Irregular fever

What abnormality does the body show before the onset of leukemia
What abnormality does the body show before the onset of leukemia

Before the onset of leukemia, patients usually present with fever problems. The body is damaged by inflammation and cancer cells, and the fever is irregular. Even with antipyretic treatment, the inflammation will be affected again and again, causing discomfort, fever and swelling.

B. Body bleeding

After leukemia occurs, there will also be bleeding problems in the body, which occur in various organs and tissues. In severe cases, it may even cause massive hemorrhage in the digestive tract or respiratory tract, with an unnegligible amount of hemorrhage. If not treated in time, the patient will quickly enter a state of severe anemia, coma shock, and life-threatening.

C. Joint pain

People who are troubled by leukemia often feel weak and weak, restricted limb movement, and bone pain before the attack. Even athletes who are otherwise energetic can show breathlessness after simple exercise after being affected by leukemia.

2. These foods in the refrigerator, or the source of leukemia, should be touched as little as possible in life

A. Baby dish

Baby cabbage looks like a miniature version of cabbage. Many people will order baby cabbage as a side dish when eating hot pot. This kind of food has a relatively short storage time. In order to prolong the shelf life, some businesses will spray some formaldehyde solution on it, which is a first-class carcinogen.

Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator
Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

Long-term storage of baby vegetables in the refrigerator will easily increase the formaldehyde content in the refrigerator. Long-term consumption of baby cabbage is also easy to accumulate heavy metals in the body, resulting in increased pressure on liver detoxification and metabolism, causing formaldehyde poisoning and increasing the probability of leukemia.

B. Noodles

Noodles are liked by many people. There is a relatively simple cooking method. Pour water into a pot, add noodles and side dishes, open the pot and wait for a few minutes before eating.

Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator
Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

However, some businesses, in order to increase the storage time of noodles and improve the taste of noodles, add some additives and preservatives to noodles. It can have a longer storage time and a more unique taste, but frequent consumption will increase the probability of cancer and cause leukemia symptoms.

C. Yuba

Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator
Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

Yuba is a common delicacy. The raw material is soybean, which contains more cysteine ​​and protein, which is easy to digest and absorb after eating. Because yuba is difficult to store, some people will store this kind of food in the refrigerator, but in doing so, if the yuba has been soaked in hot water in advance and stored in the refrigerator for a long time, some formaldehyde will be generated. Long-term consumption of this yuba will increase the probability of damage to internal organs and increase the risk of leukemia.

D. Leftovers Food

Our country has always paid attention to frugality since ancient times. Compared with the past, people’s living standards have been significantly improved. But the leftovers are not eaten, they will still be stored before eating, but the temperature in the refrigerator is lower, which can be better preserved.

We must avoid excessive thrift, which is likely to have adverse effects on health. After the food stored in the refrigerator overnight, some bacteria will grow, and the salt added when making the food will also be converted into nitrite, which is not good for health and easily causes leukemia.

E. Seafood

Seafood has a unique taste and is liked by many people. This kind of food contains more nutrients. After eating, it can improve gastrointestinal motility, enhance immune function, and prevent diseases. However, the content of purine substances in this kind of food is high, and frequent excessive consumption will increase the content of uric acid in the body, which will increase the metabolic pressure on the kidneys and liver, causing bone and joint problems and gout symptoms.

Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator
Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

If you can’t finish eating seafood, if you store it in the refrigerator overnight, there will be many carcinogenic components that are harmful to the body. Frequent consumption of seafood placed in the refrigerator will also increase the probability of cancer and indirectly cause leukemia.

3. How to prevent leukemia?

A. Keep exercising

The human body does not have enough immunity and is easily attacked by cancer cells and viruses and bacteria. Everyone should pay attention to exercise, which can enhance immunity, improve physical fitness, and reduce the risk of virus damage.

B. Keep away from formaldehyde

Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator
Foods that you should not put in the refrigerator

Some desserts, snacks, vegetables and fruits, and newly renovated houses contain formaldehyde that exceeds the standard. Long-term consumption or inhalation of formaldehyde will increase the probability of cancer. Pay attention to the choice of food, and at the same time, after the house is renovated, the ventilation dissipates at least half a year before living.


Conclusion: Many factors can cause leukemia. Everyone should pay attention to it. Regular physical examinations in life, about twice a year, can reduce disease troubles. Read more tips about health on