Fistful of Vengeance is an upcoming American supernatural action thriller film directed by Roel Reiné and written by Cameron Litvack, Jessica Chou, and Yalun Tu. The film serves as a follow-up to the first season of the television series Wu Assassins and stars Iko Uwais, Lewis Tan, Lawrence Kao, JuJu Chan, Pearl Thusi, Francesca Corney, Jason Tobin, Rhatha Phongam, and Simon Kuke. The film is set to be released on February 17, 2022, on Netflix. The film will only release in English language this time. Fistful Of Vengeance Movie In English
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel and it’s crossed love than 1 million views on the youtube channel. After seeing the audience’s response as views we can say that this is a good watchable film. If you like to watch supernatural thriller films. Then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this movie on Netflix on 17 February 2022. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail.
Fistful Of Vengeance Movie all cast and crew member
Movie | Fistful Of Vengeance |
Genre | supernatural action thriller |
Cast | Iko Uwais Lewis Tan Lawrence Kao JuJu Chan Pearl Thusi Francesca Corney Jason Tobin Rhatha Phongam Simon Kuke |
Director | Roel Reiné |
Production Company | Living Films |
Release Date | 17 February 2022 |
Release Language | English |
Hindi Release Date | Expect In March 2022 |
Release Platform | Netflix |
JuJu Chan as Zan Hui | |
Pearl Thusi as Adaku | |
Francesca Corney as Preeya | |
Rhatha Phongam as Ku An Q | |
Iko Uwais as Kai Jin | |
Lewis Tan as Lu Xin Lee | |
Lawrence Kao as Tommy Wah | |
Jason Tobin as William Pan | |
Simon Kuke as |
Fistful Of Vengeance Movie Hindi Dubbed
This movie will release in Hindi dubbed too but not announced yet. If any updates will come out related Hindi dubbed release date. Then we will provide you with all information on