Dhaakad is an upcoming Indian action-thriller Hindi-language film directed by Razneesh Ghai in his directorial debut and produced by Deepak Mukut and Sohel Maklai under banners of Soham Rockstar Entertainment, Sohel Maklai Productions and Asylum films. The film stars Kangana Ranaut in a lead role with Arjun Rampal, Divya Dutta and Saswata Chatterjee in supporting roles. Dhaakad Full Movie Watch Online Netflix
Yes, the film Dhaakad is the first Indian action thriller upcoming film with a lady actress. We have seen a lot of actresses movie but there is no any action thriller. But Dhaakad makes you feel like you are watching Hollywood film movies. This film includes a lot of action like Hollywood. So we can say that this film will make a feel like a Hollywood film. In the teaser of the film, we already watched where Kangana have a gun in her hands. And she is shooting someone like a zombie or enemy. But this movie is full of action, where makers spend more than 12 crores on the main action scene.Contentshide1 Dhaakad Movie All Cast And Crew Member1.1 Cast2 Dhaakad Movie Ott Release Date2.1 Related Posts:
Dhaakad Movie All Cast And Crew Member
Movie | Dhaakad |
Genre | Action |
Cast | Kangana Ranaut Arjun Rampal Divya Dutta |
Director | Razneesh Razy Ghai |
Producer | Deepak Mukut Sohel Maklai |
Production Company | Sohum Rockstar Entertainment Sohel Maklai Productions Asylum Films |
Release Date | 20 May 2022, Worldwide |
Release Language | Hindi |
Release Platform | Theater |
Ott Release Date | 1 July 2022, Zee5 |
- Kangana Ranaut is playing the role as Agent Agni
- Arjun Rampal is playing the role as Rudraveer
- Divya Dutta is playing the role as Rohini
- Saswata Chatterjee is playing the role as Handler
- Sharib Hashmi
Dhaakad Movie Ott Release Date
Currently, this movie will only release in the theater. But it will also release on the ott platform too. If any updates will come out the related ott the release date. Then we will provide you all updates on http://www.facefof.co