Yellowjackets is an upcoming coming-of-age drama television series created and executive produced by Ashley Lyle and Bart Nickerson for Showtime. It stars Sophie Nélisse, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Sophie Thatcher, and Sammi Hanratty as four teenagers involved in a plane crash, with Melanie Lynskey, Tawny Cypress, Christina Ricci, and Juliette Lewis portraying their adult counterparts as they reveal the truth about their survival 25 years later. The series is scheduled to premiere on November 14, 2021. Yellowjackets Season 1 All Episodes.
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. If you like to watch survival series then it will be the best survival series of the month. Yes, this series is a survival web series. The trailer of the series has been already released on the youtube channel showtime. And it’s crossed over 4 million views on youtube. After seeing g the response of the audience we can say that this series will be the best series of November month. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail. Yellowjackets Season 1 All Episodes.
Yellowjackets Season 1 All Cast and Crew Member
Series | Yellowjackets |
Season | 1 |
Episode | |
Genre | Horror, Survival |
Cast | Melanie Lynskey Tawny Cypress Christina Ricci Juliette Lewis |
Created By | Ashley Lyle Bart Nickerson |
Director | Karyn Kusama |
Producer | Ashley Lyle Bart Nickerson Jonathan Lisco Drew Comins Karyn Kusama |
Production Company | Showtime Networks Entertainment One Creative Engine Entertainment |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | Showtime, Voot Select |
Release Date | 14 November |
- Sophie Nélisse is playing the role as teenage Shauna Sheridan.
- Melanie Lynskey portrays is playing the role as adult Shauna.
- Jasmin Savoy Brown is playing the role as teenage Taissa.
- Tawny Cypress portrays is playing the role as adult Taissa.
- Sammi Hanratty is playing the role as teenage Misty.
- Christina Ricci portrays is playing the role as adult Misty.
- Sophie Thatcher is playing the role as teenage Natalie.
- Juliette Lewis portrays is playing the role as adult Natalie.
- Ella Purnell is playing the role as Jackie.
- Steven Krueger is playing the role as Ben Scott.
- Amy Okuda is playing the role as Cat Wheeler.
- Warren Kole is playing the role as adult Jeff Sadecki.
Recurring Cast
- Sarah Desjardins is playing the role as Callie, Shauna’s teenage daughter.
- Ava Allan portrays is playing the role as adult Callie.
- Courtney Eaton is playing the roel as Lottie.
- Briana Venskus is playing the role as Jessica Cruz, a reporter.
- Liv Hewson is playing the role as Vanessa “Van” Palmer.
- Peter Gadiot is playing the role as Adam.
- Keeya King is playign the role as Akilah.
- Alex Wyndham is playing the role as adult Kevyn.
- Kevin Alves is playing the role as teenage Travis.
- Alexa Barajas is playing the role as teenage Mari.