Losing weight doesn’t depend on fast, and losing weight quickly is also fast. You must find a method that suits you and is easier to stick to. That’s the best way to lose weight. Let me tell you the method I have been insisting on eating less and exercising more, and not being lazy, because laziness is one of the reasons that directly lead to obesity. What vegetables must not be eaten during weight loss? To keep this question in mind, we can lose weight healthily. What Vegetables to avoid during weight loss
What Vegetables to avoid during weight loss
- Carrot
- Pumpkin
- Peas
- Taro
- Old pumpkin
- Sweet potato
- Yam
1. Carrots
Carrots are crunchy, delicious and nutritious home-cooked vegetables, known as “little ginseng”. Carrots are rich in carbohydrates, fats, volatile oils, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanins, calcium, iron and other nutrients.

2. Pumpkin
Polysaccharides: Pumpkin polysaccharide is a non-specific immune enhancer, which can improve the immune function of the body, promote the production of cytokinesis, and exert various regulatory functions on the immune system by activating complement and other pathways.
3. Peas
Peas are a nutritious food with high sugar content, especially copper, chromium, and other trace elements. Copper is conducive to hematopoiesis and the development of bones and the brain; chromium is conducive to the metabolism of sugar and fat and can maintain the normal level of insulin. Function.

4. Taro
The glycemic index of taro is 64. Don’t eat it as a vegetable during weight loss.
5. Old pumpkin
The glycemic index of old pumpkin is 65. It is not recommended to eat. Young squash is fine.
6. Sweet potatoes
The glycemic index of sweet potatoes is 75. Never eat it as a vegetable, but you can eat it as a staple food.

7. Yam
The glycemic index of yam is 75. The one that is stored after eating.
During weight loss, certain vegetables can supplement vitamins and dietary fiber, etc., and are indispensable foods for dieters. Leeks, tomatoes, green cabbage, cabbage, gherkins, raw potatoes, soybean sprouts, spinach and eggplant, etc., are very low in calories.
In addition, you can use cassia seeds, oolong tea and other formulas to drink Juneau Decoction instead of tea, which can achieve a multiplier effect. However, don’t eat all of them raw, add Sichuan hot water to boil soup, etc., and make more changes.
Be sure to distinguish between what is edible and what is not.
Then eat only edible vegetables.
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