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What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition? How’s broccoli is beneficial?


Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family and is a common vegetable in life. Broccoli is very rich in nutritional value. It contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, vitamin C, etc. It has a sweet taste and is deeply loved by people. What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition

What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition
What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition
  • Broccoli is rich in ascorbic acid, which promotes detoxification of the liver and enhances the body’s ability to resist diseases. At the same time, broccoli also has strong bone, antioxidant and anti-cancer effects. Broccoli is not only rich in water content, but also low in calories. Each 100 grams of broccoli contains 33 calories, and broccoli is rich in dietary fiber, which can speed up gastrointestinal motility and promote digestion and absorption. Friends who want to lose weight can appropriately Eat some broccoli.

What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition?

  • Tomato.
  • Fungus.
  • Garlic.
What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition
What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition


What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition
What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition

Because the lycopene contained in tomato has a powerful antioxidant effect, the phytochemicals rich in broccoli also have antioxidant effect. Eating broccoli and tomato together will have higher nutritional value.


Broccoli contains natural folic acid. Fungus has the effect of nourishing and moisturizing, nourishing qi and blood. For pregnant women and children in the growth and development period, broccoli and fungus are more nutritious to eat together.


What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition
What are the foods to eat with broccoli to get double the nutrition

Garlic and broccoli are known as anti-cancer golden partners. They are both rich in trace element selenium. They can also promote mutual absorption, exert maximum anti-cancer effect, and are very effective in the protection of tumors in the digestive system. Therefore, when you eat broccoli, you can put a little garlic, not only for flavor, but also more nutritious.

How’s broccoli is beneficial?

If the broccoli is kept for a long time, it will appear discolored. If the color of broccoli turns yellow, if it does not deteriorate, it can be eaten. If the broccoli changes color and deteriorates, the patient may eat it, which may cause pathogenic microorganisms to enter the body, resulting in abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. It may even damage the liver and kidneys, causing the patient to experience symptoms such as yellowing of the skin and edema of the whole body. Therefore, if the broccoli is discolored and deteriorated, it is generally not edible. Although broccoli has high nutritional value, it is not suitable to eat more of the high nutritional value. Broccoli is cool in nature, and eating more can easily stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, and broccoli is rich in dietary fiber.


Moderate consumption can promote gastrointestinal motility, but excessive intake will easily aggravate the gastrointestinal tract. The burden of tract digestion and absorption, leading to indigestion. At the same time, broccoli, zucchini, milk, and animal liver should not be eaten together, so as not to affect the absorption of nutrients.

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