The Sound of Magic is an upcoming South Korean streaming television series based on Naver webtoon Annarasumanara by Ha Il-kwon. Directed by Kim Seong-yoon and written by Kim Min-jeong, it stars Ji Chang-wook, Choi Sung-eun and Hwang In-youp. The fantasy musical drama that tells the story of a mysterious magician Lee Eul suddenly appearing in front of a girl who lost her dream, Yoon Ah-yi and a boy who is forced to dream, Na Il-deung. The series is scheduled to be released on May 6, 2022 exclusively on Netflix. The Sound Of Magic All Episodes Watch Online
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of the series has been already released on the youtube channel and it crossed over 500k views on Netflix and 1 million on the swoon channel. If you like to watch fantasy Korean drama then its will be the best option for you. You can watch this series season 1 on Netflix on 6 May 2022. And the series is going to release in languages like Hindi, English, and Korean. And the best thing is that it will also release in multi-languages subtitles too. Read below down all cast and crew member in detail.
The Sound Of Magic (2022) Kdrama All Episodes Cast And Crew Member
Series | The Sound of Magic |
Genre | Fantasy Drama |
Season | 1 |
Episode | 6 |
Cast | Ji Chang-wook Choi Sung-eun Hwang In-youp Nam Da-Reum |
Director | Kim Seong-yoo |
Writer | Kim Min-jeong |
Production Company | JTBC Studios Zium Content |
Release Date | 6 May 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi, English. Korean |
Release Platform | Netflix |
The Sound Of Magic (2022) Kdrama All Cast
- Ji Chang-wook is playing the role as Lee Eul
- Nam Da-reum is playing the role as young Lee Eul
- Choi Sung-eun is playing the role as Yoon Ah-yi
- Hwang In-youp is playing the role as Na Il-deung
- Yoo Jae-myung is playing the role as Na Il-deung’s father
- Lee Sang-hwa
- Hong Seo-hee is playing the role as young Ji-soo
- Ji Hye-won
- Kim Bo-yoon is playing the role as Kim So-hee
The Sound Of Magic Storyline
The Sound of Magic is an emotional music drama that revolves around Yoon Ah-yi, a normal school girl, who desired to become a magician since her early days. She wished to grow faster to fulfil her dream. Then she meets an adult magician, Lee Eul, who wants to stop time and remain as a child. Her life changes after she meets him, as she decides to follow her dream in earnest. Read more updates about upcoming movies and web series on