Supercrooks is a four-issue comic book limited series by writer Mark Millar and artist Leinil Francis Yu. The series was published by the Icon Comics imprint of Marvel Comics from March-August 2012. Johnny Lightning is a supervillain who is relentlessly trying to make money by doing robberies in league with other masked criminals like him. Systematically each of their shots fails due to the intervention of the superhero who manages to defeat them. In his latest robbery, he is stopped without problems by the superhero The Gladiator and is sentenced to 5 years in prison. Super Crooks Tv Series.
After exiting he returns to his ex-girlfriend and ex-supervillain Kasey who now works as a waitress. Despite having psychic powers, she now wants to lead a normal life and doesn’t want Johnny back in her life. During their meeting, an elderly supervillain friend of theirs named Carmine also arrives who finds himself forced to raise $100 million to give to a Las Vegas casino because he was caught cheating paired with a guy with foresight. Johnny has a new plan to make a lot of money and that is to change the country from the United States to one where there are not hundreds of superheroes who then in the end always win by making theirs triumph. Super Crooks Tv Series.
Super Crooks Tv Series
Publisher | Icon Comics |
Format | Limited series |
Genre | Heist |
Publication date | March-August 2012 |
Number of Issues | 4 |
Writer | Mark Millar |
Release Date | 25 November 2021 |
Release Platform | Netflix |
Super Crooks Tv Series About
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. You can watch this series on Netflix on 25 November. The trailer of the series has been already released on youtube. And the trailer crossed over 600k Views o the youtube channel. It seems the audience likes to watch this tv series. The best thing I that this movie will release with multilanguage subtitles so you can also watch this series in multi subtitles.
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