Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is an upcoming American slasher teen drama streaming television series developed by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Lindsay Calhoon Bring for HBO Max. It is the fourth television series in the Pretty Little Liars franchise, which is based on the novel series written by Sara Shepard, and is taking place within the same continuity as the previous series. The series follows the lives of a group of teenage girls who begin receiving terror from a mysterious assailant named “A”, holding them responsible for something tragic that happened in the past. The series features an ensemble cast, headed by Chandler Kinney, Maia Reficco, Bailee Madison, Zaria, and Malia Pyles. Pretty Little Liars Original Sin In Spanish
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin All Episodes In English, Spanish, French Subtitles Dubbed
The series contains 10 episodes and each episode will release weekly on HBO Max.
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin In English Dubbed
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin All Episodes will release in English language on HBO Max on 28 July 2022.
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin in Spanish Dubbed
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin All Episodes will not release in Spanish dubbed it’s only release in the English language. But you can watch with the help of subtitles too. This series will release with subtitles.
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin in French Dubbed
Pretty Little Liars Original Sin All Episodes will not release in French dubbed it’s only release in the English language. But you can watch with the help of subtitles too. This series will release with subtitles.
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin All Cast and Crew Member
Series | Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin |
Genre | Slasher Teen |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Chandler Kinney Maia Reficco Bailee Madison Zaria Malia Pyles Alex Aiono Mallory Bechtel Eric Johnson |
Developed By | Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Lindsay Calhoon Bring |
Producer | Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Leslie Morgenstein Gina Girolamo I. Marlene King Michael Grassi Jimmy Gibbons |
Production Company | Muckle Man Productions Alloy Entertainment Warner Bros. Television |
Release date | 28 July 202 |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | HBO Max |
- Chandler Kinney as Tabby Haworthe
- Maia Reficco as Noa Olivar
- Bailee Madison as Imogen Adams
- Zaria as Faran Bryant
- Malia Pyles as Minnie “Mouse” Honrada,
- Alex Aiono as Shawn
- Mallory Bechtel as Karen
- Karen Beasley, the queen bee of Millwood
- Eric Johnson as Sheriff Beasley
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