No Exit is an upcoming American thriller film directed by Damien Power from a screenplay by Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari, based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Taylor Adams. Distributed by 20th Century Studios, the film stars Danny Ramirez and Dennis Haysbert are set to be released on Hulu on February 25, 2022. You can watch this movie on the Hulu platform in English. Yes, this movie will only release in English languages with subtitles. No Exit (2022) Full Movie Watch Online
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. The trailer crossed over 3 million views on youtube. After seeing the audience’s response as view they liked this movie. But this movie will only release in English languages on the Hulu platform. But the best thing is that it will also release with substitkes. Yu can watch with the help of subtitles. Read below down all cast and crew members of the movie in detail.
No Exit (2022) Movie all cast and crew member
Movie | No Exit |
Genre | Crime Thriller |
Cast | Danny Ramirez Dennis Haysbert Havana Rose Liu Mila Harris David Rysdahl Dale Dickey |
Director | Damien Power |
Based on | No Exit by Taylor Adams |
Producer | Scott Frank |
Production Company | 20th Century Studios |
Release Date | 25 February 2022 |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | Hulu |
- Havana Rose Liu is playing the role as Darby Thorne
- Mila Harris is playing the role as Jay, the kidnapped girl
- Danny Ramirez is playign the role as Ash, one of the suspects
- David Rysdahl is playing the role as Lars, one of the suspects
- Dennis Haysbert is playing the role as Ed, a suspect and Sandi’s husband
- Dale Dickey is playing the role as Sandi, a suspect and Ed’s wife
- Benedict Wall is playing the role as Officer Ron Hill
- Kirsty Hamilton is playing the role as Sarah
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