Jayeshbhai Jordaar is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama film written and directed by Divyang Thakkar, and produced by Aditya Chopra and Maneesh Sharma under Yash Raj Films. The film stars Ranveer Singh in the titular role as the son of a traditional Gujarati sarpanch, who believes in equal rights between males and females in society. It also stars Shalini Pandey while Boman Irani and Ratna Pathak Shah play supporting roles. The movie is going to release in the theater on 13 May 2022 in the Hindi language. Read below down all cast and crew members of the movie in detail. Jayeshbhai Jordaar Ott Release Date
Jayeshbhai Jordaar Movie All Cast And Crew Member
Movie | Jayeshbhai Jordaar |
Genre | Comedy |
Cast | Ranveer Singh Shalini Pandey Ratna Pathak Shah Boman Irani Jia Vaidya |
Director, Writer | Divyang Thakkar |
Producer | Aditya Chopra Maneesh Sharma |
Production Company | Yash Raj Films |
Release Date | 13 May 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi |
Release Platform | Theater |
Ott Release Date | Expect in July 2022 |
Jayeshbhai Jordaar Movie All Cast
- Ranveer Singh is playing the role as Jayeshbhai Patel / Jayeshbhai Jordaar
- Shalini Pandey is playing the role as Mudra Patel (née Desai), Jayesh’s wife
- Boman Irani is playing the role as Ramlal Patel, Jayesh’s father
- Ratna Pathak Shah is playing the role as Anuradha Patel, Jayesh’s mother
- Jia Vaidya is playing the role as Nisha Patel, Jayesh and Mudra’s daughter
- Samay Raj Thakkar is playing the role as Suresh Desai, Mudra’s father
Jayeshbhai Jordaar Movie Review and More Updates
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. And the trailer crossed over 28 million views on the youtube channel. After seeing the audience’s response as views we can say that audience liked to watch this movie. If you like t watch comedy movies then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this movie in the theater on 13 May 2022 in the Hindi language.
Jayeshbhai Jordaar Ott Release Date
Currently, this movie will only release in the theater. But it will also release on the ott platform too. If any updates will come out the related ott the release date. Then we will provide you all updates on http://www.facefof.com