Introduction: Is homemade lemonade good for you
Lemons are rich in citric acid, malic acid, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc., as well as healthy ingredients such as lemon essential oil, orange peel, and pomelo peel. Lemon pulp is very sour, and it is not recommended to eat it raw, but soaking in water with slices will help the release of nutrients. What to worry about with lemonade? Is homemade lemonade good for you

- What to worry about with lemonade?
- Side effects of drinking lemon water
1. What to worry about with lemonade
- A. Best to choose fresh lemon
- B. Lemonade should not be drunk on an empty stomach
- C. Don’t drink too much lemonade at once
- D. Lemonade should not be too hot or too cold
- E. Soak water in lemon must be light

A. Best to choose fresh lemons
Fresh lemon has a strong aroma, and dried lemon has a certain loss of aroma components and vitamin C. Fresh lemons must be peeled and thinly sliced. Because some of the flavonoids in the peel are components that are beneficial to health, such as orange peel, pomelo peel, etc., lemon essential oil is also mainly in the leather, and thin slices help soak the aroma components of the lemon peel. The flavonoids have a slightly bitter taste that combines with the tartness of the lemon itself to quench your thirst in hot weather. Leftover lemons can be smeared with honey on the cut, wrapped in plastic wrap, and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
B. Lemonade should not be drunk on an empty stomach
Lemonade is acidic and has a very low ph value. Drinking too much on an empty stomach or gastric mucosa will damage it, so pay attention to the acidity and food intake of lemonade, and drink lemonade appropriately, not exceeding 1,000 ml per day. If you drink lemon water to lose weight, you should brush your teeth more so that the acidic substances in the lemon juice will not stay in your teeth. At that time, it will become a tooth decay, which is not worth the loss.
C. Don’t drink too much lemonade at once
Mild lemonade is a drink with very low sugar content (about 0.5% per lemon, plus that much water to dilute it), and it contains negligible energy and won’t get fat. But putting sugar or honey is different. Sour foods with a little sugar are always fascinating, and so is lemonade. Add a little honey to cool lemon water and you’ll feel cool enough to quench your thirst.
D. Lemonade should not be too hot or too cold
The water in which the lemons were soaked was too cold and not very fragrant. Soak in boiling water and more bitter substances like orange peel melt. Some people worry that the water temperature is too high will cause the loss of vitamin C. In fact, the acidity of lemon is relatively strong, and vitamin C has good heat resistance under acidic conditions and is not easy to lose.
E. Soak water in lemon must be light
Use lemon water instead of boiled water to quench thirst, and make sure that the water is light when boiling. Soak 1 liter of water in a piece of peeled lemon, pour 3-4 cups, usually soak 2-3 times, and replace it with a new one when there is no lemon smell. So-called lemonade is not sour, or fresh, can be drunk without sugar or honey, and contains almost negligible energy. Put more lemon slices and add sugar or honey to help balance out the sourness.
2. Disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily
- 1. Too much stomach acid is easy to produce
- 2. Dental health damage

1. Too much stomach acid is easy to produce
Lemons contain a lot of citric acid, and stomach lemons contain a lot of calcium. The human body needs to absorb calcium substances, but people with excessive gastric acid secretion need to absorb calcium in the digestion of this secretion and absorb the calcium in lemons.
2. Dental health damage
Dentists say that after drinking lemonade, brush your teeth with clean water or drink another sip, so as not to leave the acidic substance of lemon juice on the teeth and damage the enamel. At that time, becoming a whole tooth decay can be worth the loss.
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