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If diabetics eat watermelon, will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? what foods they can eat


For people, the most pleasant thing in summer is to eat watermelon while blowing the air conditioner. Many people open it in this way in summer. There is even “eat watermelon around the stove”. This proverb can be seen. If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar

If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar
If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar
  • A. How important is watermelon to people.
  • B. Can blood sugar patients eat boiled egg ?
If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar
If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar

How important is watermelon to people.

  1. But for hyperglycemic patients, they usually cannot eat fruit casually, so they have to think carefully before eating a fruit, so can hyperglycemic patients eat watermelon?
  2. In fact, for diabetic patients, the glycemic index of watermelon is very high. Eating a lot of watermelon will cause the blood sugar of the human body to rise.
  3. But it does not mean that patients with high blood sugar cannot eat watermelon, and patients with high blood sugar can eat less watermelon, which does not have a particularly big impact on patients with high blood sugar.
If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar
If diabetics eat watermelon will it raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar

Can blood sugar patients eat boiled egg ?

  1. Patients with high blood sugar can often eat boiled eggs to stabilize their blood sugar levels. It can not only supplement nutrients for the human body, but also enhance satiety. Many people choose to eat boiled eggs in the morning.
  2. In addition, it is also a good choice to eat some grapefruit often. Sometimes there are many vitamins in it that can help patients with hyperglycemia to lower blood sugar.


Hyperglycemia is a chronic disease, so you must insist on taking medicines and do some other things according to the doctor’s guidance.

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