When I really want to eat junk food fried food, I stand on the scale to check my weight. If it is too heavy, I will not dare to eat it; Will be happier sooner. When I’m happy or excited, I don’t want to eat anymore. You can also think about it from another angle. When others wear suspenders and skirts in their twenties, you can’t because of your fat. Are you willing to wear it like this? When can’t food be eaten? The most beautiful age is gone. How to lose weight fast naturally and permanently at home
This is also the reason why I have been inspiring myself to lose weight recently, because if you are fat, you can’t wear a lot of clothes. You can only enjoy the pleasure in your mouth when you eat, but what about after? You will fall into infinite self-blame… Instead of this, you might as well be tough on yourself! Let yourself see how beautiful you are when you are thin! To lose weight, you must persevere and persevere! This is really important.

- Weight lose without diet and reducing food
- What happen during weight lose
- Continuing diet is hard work
- Controlling your mouth and opening your legs is always the true meaning of weight loss.
Weight loss without diet and reducing food
Take me as an example, my current weight loss method is to not exercise and eat less. I gave up carbonated drinks, didn’t touch fried food, I only had an egg and a glass of milk every morning, I didn’t eat lunch and dinner, I boiled green vegetables and drank water when I was hungry. I lost 7 pounds in a week. I went from 125 pounds to 114 pounds now.
I think the effect is really great. Although I would like to eat very much at first, standing on the scale every day can be said to be my happiest time. Watching I lost a little bit of weight, and when people around me praised me for losing weight again, I really felt so happy to lose weight.

What happens during weight lose
When I started dieting to lose weight, I was very irritable, I felt very bored, I always watched videos of eating and broadcasting, and I wanted to eat like crazy. This is all because of the side effects of your diet. This is also a transition period. Your original eating habits have made your stomach accustomed to it. If you suddenly change your way, it will resist. After a week, my stomach gradually got used to this habit, my appetite became smaller, I could control the amount of food I ate, and I lost my desire for fried food. It’s all because of my persistence, and I’m also worried that I might have anorexia…hopefully not.
Continuing diet is hard work
Therefore, I do not advocate this method of weight loss. Simply dieting to lose weight is effective, but it is difficult to stick to it, and it is harmful to the body. It is best to have regular exercise time with a nutritionally balanced diet so that you will be effective and healthy when you lose weight. We lose weight in order to look good, but don’t trade health for good looks. And quitting sugar is really effective, not only to lose weight but also to make your skin better.

Controlling your mouth and opening your legs is always the true meaning of weight loss.
Controlling your mouth and opening your legs is always the true meaning of weight loss. Before you really want to eat, you calculate how much time you should take to lose the calories you eat after you finish the meal, and you will instantly feel that the food you eat is difficult to digest .. . Weight loss is always a woman’s life-long task, and whether it can be completed depends on personal practice. It doesn’t say that thin is beautiful, as long as you are satisfied with your own figure and you are confident, then there is really no need to lose weight.
The reason I lost weight was simply to be able to wear BM-style clothes…I must! Put on! superior! B! M! Style clothes! weight loss is always a woman’s life-long task, and whether it can be completed depends on personal practice. It doesn’t say that thin is beautiful, as long as you are satisfied with your own figure and you are confident, then there is really no need to lose weight. The reason I lost weight was simply to be able to wear BM-style clothes…I must! Put on! superior! B! M! Style clothes!

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