Code M is an Indian Hindi-language crime drama web series created and produced by Juggernaut Productions for ALT Balaji and ZEE5. The series stars Jennifer Winget, Rajat Kapoor, Seema Biswas, and Tanuj Virwani. The second season of the series is going to release on the Voot Select. Code M Season 2 All Episodes Watch Online Voot Select
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of the Code M season 2 has been already released on the youtube channel. The trailer of the series crossed over 37 million views on youtube. The series season 2 seems too much popular on the youtube channel. If you like to watch crime drama series then its will be the best option for you. You can watch this series of all episodes on the Voot select platform. Read below down all cast and crew members of the series in detail.
Code M Season 2 All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Code M |
Genre | Crime |
Season | 2 |
Cast | Jennifer Winget |
Created By | Juggernaut Productions |
Release Date | 9 June 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi, English Substiitles |
Release Platform | Voot Select |
- Jennifer Winget is playing the role as Major Monica Mehra
- Tanuj Virwani is playing the role as Legal Council Angad Sandhu
- Rajat Kapoor is playing the role as Col.Suryaveer Chauhan
- Seema Biswas is playing the role as, alleged terrorist, Asif’s mother
- Anisa Butt is playing the role as Gayatri Chauhan
- Madhurima Roy is playing the role as Zeenat
- Keshav Sadhna is playing the role as Major Gaurav Shekhawat
- Aalekh Kapoor is playing the role as Major Shakti Mandappa
- Meghana Kaushik is playing the role as Serana, Shakti’s Wife
- Season 2
- Jennifer Winget is playing the role as Major Monica Mehra
- Tanuj Virwani is playing the role as Legal Council Angad Sandhu
- Swanand Kirkire
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