Bro Daddy is an upcoming Indian Malayalam-language comedy-drama film directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran and produced by Antony Perumbavoor through Aashirvad Cinemas, with a screenplay by Sreejith N. and Bibin Maliekal. The film stars Mohanlal and Prithviraj Sukumaran with Meena, Kalyani Priyadarshan, Unni Mukundan, Lalu Alex, Kaniha, Jagadish, Soubin Shahir and Mallika Sukumaran in supporting roles. The songs and background score for the film were composed by Deepak Dev. If you like to watch south Indian movies then you can watch this movie on 26 January 2022 on Disney Hotstar. Bro Daddy Movie Hindi Dubbed
The trailer of the movie has been already released on the Youtube Channel. And it’s crossed over 10 million views on youtube. After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. If you like to watch you can watch with the help of subtitles on Disney Hotstar. Yes, this movie will only release this time in only Malayalam languages. The Hindi dubbed release date is not confirmed after seeing the popularity of this movie. We can say that it will release in Hindi dubbed too. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail.
Bro Daddy Movie All Cast and crew member
Movie | Bro Daddy |
Genre | Comedy |
Cast | Mohanlal Prithviraj Sukumaran |
Director | Prithviraj Sukumaran |
Writer | Sreejith N. Bibin Maliekal |
Producer | Antony Perumbavoor |
Production Company | Aashirvad Cinemas |
Release Date | 26 January 2022 |
Release Language | Malayalam |
Release Platform | Disney Plus Hotstar |
Hindi Release Date | Expect in February 2022 |
Prithviraj Sukumaran as Eesho John Kattadi | |
Kalyani Priyadarshan as Anna | |
Kaniha as Elsy Kurian | |
Mohanlal as John Kattadi | |
Unni Mukundan as Cyril |
Bro Daddy Movie Hindi Dubbed
The Hindi dubbed release date is not updated yet. All south Indian movies are released in Hindi so this will release in Hindi dubbed too. If any updates will comes out about the Hindi release date. Then we will provide you all information about upcoming movies and Hindi dubbed release date on