She is an Indian crime drama streaming television series created and written by Imtiaz Ali and Divya Johry. Directed by Arif Ali and Avinash Das under production house Window Seat Films, the series stars Aaditi Pohankar, Vijay Varma and Kishore. It follows the story of a female constable who goes undercover to bust an underworld gang. The second season of the series is going to release on 17 June 2022 on the Netflix in Hindi and English language. Watch Online She season 2 Full Episodes
She season 1 was liked by many audiences and it was a hit on Netflix. Now the second season is going to release on the Netflix and the trailer of the she season 2 has been already released on the youtube channel. The trailer of the She Season 2 crossed over than 500k views on the youtube channel. After seeing the audience response as views we can say that the second season of this series was liked more than 1 season. If you like to watch crime thriller series then its will be the best option for you. Read below down all cast and crew member of the series in detail.
She season 2 All Cast And Crew Member
Series | She |
Season | 2 |
Genre | Crime Thriller |
Cast | Aaditi Pohankar Vijay Varma Kishore kumar Monika Dabade Shivani Rangole |
Director | Arif Ali Avinash Das |
Writer | Imtiaz Ali Divya Johri |
Production Company | Inferno Pictures Viacom18 Studios Tipping Point |
Release Date | 17 June 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi, English Substitles |
Release Platform | Netflix |
She Season 2 Full Cast
- Aaditi Pohankar is playing the role as Bhumika Pardeshi
- Vijay Varma is playing the role as Sasya
- Kishore Kumar G is playing the role as Nayak
- Vishwas Kini is playing the role as Jason Fernandez
- Saqib Ayub is playing the role as Hemant
- Vishesh Sagar is playing the role as Kartik
- Sandeep Sridhar Dhabale
- Paritosh Sand is playing the role as DCP Shishir Mathur
- Shivani Rangole is playing the role as Rupa
- Monika Dabade is playing the role as Lawyer
- Suhita Thatte is playing the role as Bhumika’s Mother
- Sandeep Dhabale is playing the role as Lokhande
- Dhruv Thukral is playing the role as Deep
She Season 2 Web Series Hindi, English Dubbed Updates
The series is going to release in Hindi and English language. And the best thing is that this web series will release with multi-languages subtitles. So you can watch with the help of substitles too.
Where to watch she season 2 online
You can watch She season 2 all episodes on 17 June 2022 on The Netflix.
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