Aashiqaana is an upcoming Hotstar Series. The series is a crime thriller and love story series. Yash Chauhan (Zayn Ibad Khan) is a devoted police officer who is still haunted by the untimely loss of a beloved family member. A similar grief clutches Chikki Sharma (Khusi Dubey), who wants to be a cop like her father, but has already failed the exam twice. As fate would have it, the lives of Chauhan and Sharma are about to cross paths under the shadow of a murder. The Series is going to release in On the Hotstar 6 June 2022 in Hindi language. Aashiqaana (2022) Web Series Wikipedia
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of the series has already been released on the youtube channel. And the trailer crossed over 100 k views on the youtube channel. The trailer of this series seems not too much popular on youtube. If you like to watch love story crime thriller series then it will be the best option for you. But the series episodes will release daily. You have to wait daily for each episode. Read below down all cast and crew members of the series in detail.
Aashiqaana Web Series All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Aashiqaana |
Genre | Love Story, Crime Thriller |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Khushi Dubey Geeta Tyagi Zayn Ibad Khan Pankaj Singh |
Director | Gul Khan |
Production Company | Gen K Studios |
Release Date | 6 June 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi |
Release Platform | Hotstar |
- Zayn Ibad Khan
- Khushi Dubey
- Pankaj Singh
- Geeta Tyagi
- Vipul Deshpandey
- Geeta Bisht
- Anshul Singh
- Anshu Srivastava
- Inderjeet Modi
- Manohar Teli
- Harshita Shukla
- Sneha Chauhan
- Palash Prajapati
- Pankaj Singh
- Maira Mehra
- Rati Pandey
- Siddhant Karnick
Aashiqaana (2022) Web Series All Episodes
The episodes of this series will release on daily bases. So you have to wait days for each episode. All episodes of this series will release on Disney Hotstar on a date is 6 June 2022.
Aashiqaana (2022) Web Series Trailer Watch Online
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