“Ice Age: Scrat Tales” is a series of six all-new animated shorts starring Scrat, the hapless saber-toothed squirrel of the “Ice Age” adventures, who experiences the ups and downs of fatherhood, as he and the adorable, mischievous Baby Scrat, alternately bond with each other and battle for ownership of the highly treasured Acorn. The series is produced by Anthony Nisi, with Robert L. Baird and Andrew Millstein serving as executive producers. “Ice Age: Scrat Tales” will debut on Disney+ on April 13. The series will release on 13 April 2022 on the Disney Hotstar Plus. You can watch this series season 1 all episodes on 13 April 2022 on Hotstar. Ice Age Scrat Tales Hindi Dubbed
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of the series has been already released on the youtube channel. And it’s crossed over 1 million views on the youtube channel, And the trailer is liked by many audiences. But this series will only release in English languages with subtitles. You can watch this series with the help of subtitles too. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail. Ice Age Scrat Tales Season 1 All Episodes in English
Ice Age Scrat Tales All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Ice Age Scrat Tales |
Genre | Animated |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Chris Wedge Kari Wahlgren |
Release Date | 13 April 2022 |
Release Language | English with subtitles |
Release Platform | Disney Hotstar |
Hindi Release Date | Not Announced Yet |
Ice Age Scrat Tales Season 1 All Episodes
1 | Nuts About You | 13 April 2022 |
2 | Lofi Scrat Beats to Sleep/ Chill To | |
3 | X’s and Uh-O’s | |
4 | Nutty Reflection | |
5 | Teeter Toddler | |
6 | Nut the End |
More updates about this series
Currently, this series will only release in English languages. But the best thing is that it will also release with subtitles too. So you can watch with the help of subtitles too. If any updates will comes out related to another language then we will provide you with all updates about other release languages. Read more updates about upcoming movies and web series on http://www.facefof.com