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What not to drink after drinking alcohol, Can I drink milk after drinking alcohol

Introduction: When there is a major festival, people will basically drink alcohol during the celebration. Drinking less alcohol can speed up blood circulation and help relax the muscles. But often drinking too much alcohol will seriously damage the health of the body, especially the liver, which suffers the most damage. What not to drink after drinking alcohol

What not to drink after drinking alcohol
What not to drink after drinking alcohol

After heavy drinking, some people are prone to intoxication problems and exhibit various discomforts, including dizziness and vomiting. In order to improve the negative effects caused by alcohol, some people will use various ways to hangover and relieve their physical discomfort, such as the common way of drinking tea to hangover. At present, many people have different opinions on whether drinking tea can help you get rid of alcohol. Maybe the answer is unexpected.

1. Can drinking tea help you hangover?

In normal times, some people have the habit of drinking tea after drinking alcohol, thinking that this can relieve the hangover, but this is not the case. After people drink alcohol, ethanol seeps into the blood under the action of stomach and intestines, flows into the liver, decomposes into acetaldehyde and then to acetic acid, and finally becomes water and carbon dioxide, which are excreted from the body. After drinking tea, the theophylline in the tea can promote the urination of the kidneys and achieve a diuretic effect, causing acetaldehyde to flow into the kidneys in advance before it is differentiated.

Can drinking tea help you hangover?
Can drinking tea help you hangover?

Alcohol is an irritant, and the kidneys do not have a detoxification effect, which can easily affect kidney function. In addition, the alcohol in the drink will also seriously stimulate the cardiovascular system. After drinking strong tea, the heart will be stimulated. The two elements work together to stimulate the heart again. Therefore, especially people with heart disease, they should avoid drinking tea to hangover after drinking. In general, the habit of drinking tea after drinking alcohol will not only fail to relieve the hangover effect, but will also cause damage to the heart and kidneys, increase the burden on the body’s operation, and easily cause unnecessary trouble.

2. The most “afraid” of alcohol is not tea, but these 4 things, which may make you “a thousand cups without getting drunk”

A. Milk

There are a lot of alcohol in the drink, which will dissolve the gastrointestinal mucosa and stimulate the stomach at the same time. Many people are prone to various stomach problems after drinking. Drink a small amount of milk after drinking, and the alcohol in the stomach will mix with the milk, which can prevent the stomach from absorbing too much alcohol. And the protein components in milk can also attach to the surface of the stomach, play a protective role, and reduce the alcohol stimulation of the gastric mucosa.

What not to drink after drinking alcohol
What not to drink after drinking alcohol

Milk itself has diuretic and osmotic effects. Drinking milk after drinking can promote glomerular filtration, speed up the metabolism of alcohol in the body, and reduce the harm of alcohol to the kidneys.

B. Honey water

Some people are prone to symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness after drinking alcohol. This is because the blood-brain barrier is penetrated by alcohol and inhibits the nervous system. Sufficient supplementation of water should be done, such as drinking some honey water, which can dilute the alcohol concentration in the blood, use urination to excrete alcohol in the body, and reduce the harm of alcohol in the liver system and nervous system.

What not to drink after drinking alcohol
What not to drink after drinking alcohol

Drinking honey water can also protect the gastrointestinal mucosa. After the gastrointestinal tract is moistened by honey, there will be a protective film attached to the surface of the gastrointestinal tract, which inhibits the digestion and absorption of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract. It can also protect the gastric mucosa and avoid the symptoms of alcohol erosive gastritis and alcohol burning gastritis. If sugar cannot be effectively supplemented after drinking alcohol, the body will experience a relative lack of sugar. Drinking honey water can also achieve the effect of supplementing sugar to a certain extent.

C. Fruit and vegetable juice

Many fruit and vegetable juices are helpful for hangovers, such as the following three: Tomato juice: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which can play an antioxidant effect, indirectly promote the metabolism of ethanol in the body, and eliminate alcohol in the body. Grape juice: There is a lot of tartaric acid in grapes. When it meets the ethanol component in alcohol, there will be an esterification reaction, which will dilute the ethanol content in the body.

What not to drink after drinking alcohol
What not to drink after drinking alcohol

Apple Celery Juice: Apple has the effect of lowering cholesterol, celery can avoid the problem of high blood pressure caused by excessive drinking, carrots help improve immunity, clear heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and protect the lungs, use these three things to put a piece of juice Afterwards, it is beneficial to protect the liver and sober up.

D. Mung bean soup

What not to drink after drinking alcohol
What not to drink after drinking alcohol

Mung bean has a detoxification effect, and has a wide range of applicability in zinc phosphide poisoning, gas poisoning, pesticide poisoning, gold stone poisoning, alcohol poisoning, herb poisoning, and food poisoning. Current research has found that mung bean protein and other substances in mung bean can combine with heavy metals and organic phosphorus to produce precipitation, which has a detoxification effect. You can boil the mung beans, and then drink the beans with soup, which can have a stronger detoxification and heat-clearing effect.

2. What are the misunderstandings of hangover?

A. Drink vinegar without hangover

What are the misunderstandings of hangover
What are the misunderstandings of hangover

Drinking vinegar cannot achieve the effect of hangover, and it will also damage the gastrointestinal mucosa in the body. After drinking too much alcohol, the mucous membrane has been seriously stimulated, causing hyperemia, promoting the secretion of gastric acid, and producing too much pancreatic juice. Drinking some vinegar at this time will increase the stimulation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and increase the risk of acute pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer.

B. Avoid picking your throat to induce vomiting

This method of inducing vomiting is likely to cause acute pancreatitis, gastric bleeding, etc., which damages the health of the body. During the vomiting process, the intra-abdominal pressure will increase, increasing the probability of gastric bleeding. People cannot stay awake after being drunk, which can easily lead to inhalation of vomit in the lungs, resulting in suffocation and so on.

What are the misunderstandings of hangover
What are the misunderstandings of hangover


Conclusion: Everyone should drink in moderation in life to avoid frequent drunkenness, which will cause non-negligible harm to the body. Read more tips about health on