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Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods

Introduction: Many men have the habit of smoking in their lives. They know that smoking is harmful to health, but when they become addicted to smoking, they cannot effectively control it, and they are defeated by the temptation of tobacco. There are some harmful components in tobacco. During the combustion process, the mist invades the human body and damages health. People who smoke regularly, lung damage can not be ignored, and other organs in the body will also be implicated. Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods

Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods
Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods

In order to ensure good health, no matter how much you are addicted to smoking, you must take a correct view of smoking. If you can’t quit smoking completely, you should try to avoid smoking in the following time periods, which will cause more serious damage to the body.

A. Get up in the morning

Some people are addicted to smoking. In the morning, before they are completely awake, they have already started to touch the cigarette case and want to light a cigarette. If they smoke immediately after getting up in the morning, their body will be greatly damaged. This is because when people sleep at night, they themselves have a small amount of activity, which reduces the speed of blood circulation and consumes some water in the body, which increases blood viscosity.

Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods
Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods

If you smoke again at this time, the toxins will infiltrate into the blood, which cannot be effectively metabolized and excreted from the body in a timely manner. Over time, it will increase the burden and damage to the blood vessels, which will affect cardiovascular and physical health. If you want to reduce the harm to your body, you must avoid smoking after getting up in the morning.

B. Late at night

In the current society, electronic products are constantly popularized. Many people will use their sleep time to catch up on dramas and play games. Most young people have developed the habit of staying up late and will kill time by playing mobile phones at night. Some people like smoking, and they will continue to smoke when they stay up late, but staying up late is an unhealthy behavior, which is easy to damage their health. Smoking at this time will cause more harm to the body.

Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods
Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods

If you want to maintain your health, you should avoid staying up late and smoking, and changing these habits as soon as possible can effectively reduce physical damage, restore body function, and improve your health.

C. After dinner

Smoking immediately after eating is something that many old smokers like to do. Usually, the sound of smoke will be a little when the bowl is put down. Smoking after eating will also cause great damage to the body. The body has a relatively strong digestion and absorption capacity after eating. At this time, smoking and tobacco poison enter the body, which will increase the degree of absorption, cause increased physical stress, and increase the burden of operation. Serious damage to health.

Smoking is not recommended for 4 time period
Smoking is not recommended for 4 time period

In particular, some people have poor gastrointestinal function. At this time, smoking after meals will lead to further aggravation of gastrointestinal pressure, and gastrointestinal function will be more adversely affected.

D. When going to the toilet

Some smokers will also smoke a few cigarettes when they go to the toilet. Many people even develop a habit of feeling that something is missing if they don’t smoke, and they cannot defecate effectively and normally. Frequent smoking in the toilet will also seriously damage the body. Most toilets have a closed and narrow environment. At this time, the suction cannot effectively and quickly dissipate the smoke produced by the burning of tobacco. The body will not only be directly affected by tobacco, but the environment of second-hand smoke will also harm human body.

Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods
Smoking is not recommended for 4 time periods

Everyone does not want to suffer more serious damage to their health, and should avoid smoking in the toilet. I hope everyone can take it to heart and try not to smoke while using the toilet.

At present, the number of people attracted is relatively large. Regular smoking will cause serious burden and damage to the body. For the sake of health, everyone should quit cigarettes as soon as possible. If you can’t quit smoking immediately, you should also control the amount of smoking. The number of cigarettes you smoke a day is controlled within five, which can reduce the harm caused by tobacco to the body.

Not only reduce the amount of smoking, but also do a good job of nourishing the lungs in life. Tobacco toxins entering the human body must be filtered and processed under the action of the lungs. Over time, the burden of lung exercise will increase, and long-term high-load operation will affect the health of the lungs. So how to do good lung care work?

2. What behaviors help the lungs?

A. Eat white food

What behaviors help the lungs
What behaviors help the lungs

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, white enters the lungs. When people have poor lung function, eating some white food can help reduce the pressure in the lungs and achieve the effect of nourishing the lungs. Common white foods include white radish, Sydney, yam, white fungus, etc. Eating a little in the diet can improve the health of the lungs, enhance the vitality of functional operation, and supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

B. Do some aerobic exercise

What behaviors help the lungs
What behaviors help the lungs

At present, many people who pay attention to health care will often do some exercise, and develop the habit of exercise in daily life, which can improve the vitality of the body and improve the physical quality, which is beneficial to health. When people are accustomed to smoking, they can set aside a little time every day to do some aerobic exercise, which can enhance the regularity of lung operation, expand the blood vessels of the lungs, enhance lung power, reduce operating pressure, and improve overall health.

C. Drink water regularly

What behaviors help the lungs
What behaviors help the lungs

All functions of the body require water to participate. When people smoke often or their lungs are not very good, they should actively do a good job of hydrating. The lungs like a humid environment. Long-term lack of water or insufficient water in the body will inhibit the continuous improvement of lung function and increase the pressure of lung cell activity. Healthy adults should maintain a water intake of 1500-2000 ml in life.


Conclusion: For the sake of health, the best way is to quit smoking. At the same time, pay attention to the work of nourishing the lungs, and develop good rest, behavior, and eating habits, which can improve physical fitness and help the body rejuvenate with health and vitality. Read more tips about health on