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What type of people should not eat garlic, What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day


Garlic is a common condiment in the kitchen. In addition to being eaten raw, it can also be cooked in a pot or chopped into minced garlic.In addition, garlic has a spicy taste, which makes some people very resistant to the taste. Most of them are worried that after eating garlic, it is easy to have a strange taste in the mouth, which will leave a bad impression when socializing.In fact, the nutrients contained in garlic are very rich, which will bring certain benefits to the body. So what effects will people who insist on eating garlic bring to the body every day? What type of people should not eat garlic

What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day
What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day

A. What effects will people who eat garlic bring to the body every day?

  1. Maintain gastrointestinal health
  2. Helps prevent
  3. Good for brain health
  4. Effectively prevent cancer
  5. Assist in lowering blood pressure
  6. Maintain heart health
What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day
What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day

1. Maintain gastrointestinal health

Garlic is actually a prebiotic, a kind of beneficial bacteria for the intestines, which can help stabilize the intestinal flora environment and improve immune function. Even studies have found that aged garlic extract can enhance the content of beneficial bacteria, which in turn stimulates an increase in the number of immune cells.

2. Helps Prevent

What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day
What effects will bring to the body people who eat garlic bring to the body every day

Hip Arthritis Hip arthritis not only brings pain to patients, but may also cause inconvenience or disability to patients in severe cases. Garlic contains a natural plant compound that effectively nourishes articular cartilage and bone fractures. .

3. Good for brain health

Aged garlic extract can maintain brain neurons, effectively prevent cognitive decline, and help fight brain changes caused by neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Effectively prevent cancer

Onions, leeks, and garlic belong to the same group of vegetables, suggesting that these vegetables are effective in reducing the risk of many types of cancer, such as rectal, prostate, throat, and stomach cancers. This is because garlic contains natural plant compounds that can effectively kill bad cells and inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells.

5. Assist in lowering blood pressure

Hypertension belongs to one of the three high schools and is known as an invisible killer. High blood pressure or large fluctuations can damage the brain and heart, etc., and even induce cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction and kidney failure, which seriously threatens our lives. It is worth reminding that garlic supplements can lower blood pressure, but only play an auxiliary role, and cannot replace antihypertensive drugs at all.

However, some studies have found that garlic supplements can help lower blood pressure, so that the synthesis of cholesterol can improve the immune function of the body. It is worth reminding that garlic supplements can reduce blood pressure, but only play an auxiliary role and cannot replace antihypertensive drugs at all. .

A. What effects will people who eat garlic bring to the body every day?

6. Maintain heart health

Garlic can help stabilize blood pressure and cholesterol in a stable state, thereby inhibiting and reducing the development of arteriosclerosis. It also has a good effect on killing bacteria and reducing inflammation, which can effectively maintain heart health. What are the dangers of consuming too much garlic?
cause bad breath Affects vitamin B2 absorption irritate the stomach cause anemia

B. What type of people should not eat garlic, but it is very good?

  1. Eye disease patients
  2. Peptic ulcer

1. Eye disease patients

Because garlic has a spicy and irritating taste, it will irritate the eyes. For example, patients with cataract or glaucoma, conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc. are not suitable to eat garlic, so as not to aggravate the disease and cause vision loss.

What type of people should not eat garlic
What type of people should not eat garlic

2. Peptic ulcer

Garlic is a kind of irritating food. Garlic can stimulate a large amount of gastric acid secretion. Under the stimulation of gastric acid, it will damage and corrode the gastric mucosa, induce or aggravate the symptoms of duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer.

  • Those who are taking medicine Some medicines may also interact with the ingredients in garlic, which will affect the efficacy of the medicine, and may also cause side effects.
  • You should not eat spicy food, such as garlic, while taking the medicine.


People with impaired liver function Impaired liver function will affect the coagulation function of the body, and it is easy to have a tendency to bleed, such as bleeding spots or ecchymosis on the skin surface, nosebleeds, and bleeding gums. Garlic has a certain anticoagulant effect. For patients with impaired liver function, eating garlic will further reduce the body’s blood coagulation ability, which is detrimental to health.

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