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What kind of buns can’t be eaten, 2 types of people should eat less Steamed Buns

Introduction: Steamed buns are a common staple food. Steamed buns are generally traditional noodles in northern my country. Northerners eat steamed buns, just like southerners eat rice. They are an essential staple food in life. They are generally used when eating steamed buns. Will be fermented with yeast. What kind of buns can’t be eaten

But in the previous era, when yeast was not invented, everyone would ferment steamed buns with old noodle primers. Steamed buns fermented with old noodles would have a more fluffy taste and a sour taste. Soda ash needed to be neutralized. If you control it well, the steamed buns will become bitter, yellow, and taste bad.

What kind of buns can't be eaten
What kind of buns can’t be eaten

Now, for convenience, people no longer use old noodles to make the noodles. Instead, they choose to ferment the steamed buns with yeast powder. The steamed buns fermented by the yeast have no sour taste and no alkaline taste, and the steamed buns made will be more sour. fluffy.

1. Often eat steamed buns fermented with yeast, good or bad? 2 types of people should eat less

Is it beneficial or harmful to often eat steamed buns fermented with yeast?
In fact, our body has more material requirements. Yeast is a fungus that is beneficial to health. It helps to promote the digestion and absorption of food by the body.

Moreover, yeast powder itself has more nutrients, which can not only help the body to replenish nutrients, but also help the body provide energy, and will not cause great harm to the body. At the same time, yeast is a very common fermentation in the market. Flour, so when you buy it, you only need not enough to buy Sanwu products and it will not cause harm to your body.

What kind of buns can't be eaten
What kind of buns can’t be eaten

Moreover, people usually put in a small amount of yeast when steaming steamed buns, so don’t worry about the harm to the body after ingesting yeast. Steamed buns fermented by yeast are more delicious and can help the body to replenish more nutrients. It seems that yeast-fermented steamed buns are beneficial to the body, and will not have a great impact on the body, so you can eat it without worry.

2 types of people should eat less Steamed Buns

But eating too much steamed buns is not necessarily a good thing for the body. The two types of people should eat less

A. Diabetes

Because steamed buns are made of refined flour, it is easy to cause indigestion. Long-term intake of sugar in steamed buns can cause blood sugar to rise. Refined carbohydrates will cause the body’s sugar control mechanism to malfunction, which is not conducive to blood sugar control. Therefore, people with diabetes must control the intake of steamed bread and mix with certain coarse grains, such as brown rice or corn flour.

2 types of people should eat less Steamed Buns
2 types of people should eat less Steamed Buns

B. High blood pressure, eat less fermented pasta

Everyone knows that controlling the amount of salt can prevent and treat high blood sugar. Fermented pasta will contain alkali substances. The main ingredient of edible alkali is sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate. Eating 250 grams of steamed buns with alkali is equivalent to adding two grams. Salt.

If a person eats 400 grams of steamed buns a day, 3.2 grams of salt will be added invisibly. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should not eat pasta steamed buns frequently. It is best to eat rice-based foods.

What kind of buns can’t be eaten?

A. Baked steamed buns

What kind of buns can't be eaten?
What kind of buns can’t be eaten?

Many barbecue shops outside now have baked buns. The baked buns are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. They do have a unique taste. Many people order them when they eat barbecue, but it is best to eat less baked buns. In fact, fried steamed buns and fried steamed buns are the same. After steamed buns are fried, roasted, and reheated at high temperatures, they will cause the production of undesirable chemical substances.

B. White Mantou

What kind of buns can't be eaten?
What kind of buns can’t be eaten?

Steamed buns are sold in the market. They look snow-white and white. Try not to buy them. Some black-hearted merchants take advantage of consumers’ pursuit of beauty and add food whitening agents to steamed buns to make the steamed buns look big and white. In fact, this kind of whitening agent is toxic. These toxic ingredients are formaldehyde. Long-term consumption can cause cancer. So choose steamed buns instead of white steamed buns. Read more tips about health on