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What causes white hair at early age, How to prevent white hair from spreading, Food for white hair to turn black

How to prevent white hair from spreading
How to prevent white hair from spreading

If you have a few white hairs growing out of the black and beautiful hair, it will look very conspicuous. If you grow white hair, others will think that you are aging. In order to make them look old, many people pull out their white hair by hand or go to the barbershop to dye their hair black. The growth of white hair does not necessarily mean aging, and different parts of the white hair will indicate different problems. What causes white hair at early age.

In life, some people have white hair growing on the forehead, some people have white hair growing on both sides, and some people have white hair growing on the back of their heads. What does this mean? Let me give you an answer below. What causes white hair at early age.

01 Where does the white hair grow, where is the disease? What does the long white hair on the forehead, temples and back of the head represent?

Long white hair on forehead

Long white hair on forehead
Long white hair on forehead

If white hair grows on the forehead, it is a manifestation of spleen and stomach discordance, and it will also be accompanied by frequent hair loss, dry and split ends, etc. Because the spleen and stomach are not very good, it will affect normal digestion and absorption, resulting in indigestion, constipation, and abdominal distension. And other issues.

If you find gray hair on your forehead, you should regulate your spleen and stomach in time, eat a regular diet, eat seventy percent full every meal, achieve a balanced diet, eat more foods that nourish your stomach, and then help regulate your spleen and stomach. What causes white hair at early age.

Long white hair at temples

If the temples have white hair, and the white hair is still slightly yellow, and the hair is very soft, there may be a problem with the liver. Most of them are caused by violent liver fire, but are also accompanied by symptoms such as eye swelling and pain, mood swings, and difficulty falling asleep. Therefore, in life, you must control your emotions, maintain an optimistic attitude, and do not stay up late to go to bed early and wake up early to help maintain the liver. You also need to quit smoking and drinking and drink more tea to remove the fire, which will help relieve the irritability.

Long white hair at the back of the head

 white hair at the back of the head
white hair at the back of the head

If the back of the head grows white hair, it may be due to insufficient kidney qi, which is more common in middle-aged men. It may also be accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, urinary incontinence, weakness in the waist and knees, and poor spirits. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the top of the head is the place where the Ren Du Meridian passes, and it is closely related to the kidneys. If the kidney qi is insufficient, white hair will grow on the back of the head.

It is recommended that you do not hold back your urine in your life, because holding back your urine will cause the garbage in the urine to be absorbed again, which will cause greater damage to the kidneys.

2 In addition, there are many reasons for gray hair

Mental factor

Many people are under pressure due to work and life, and their spirits are tight, leading to problems such as insomnia and dreaminess, which in turn causes endocrine disorders, and leads to hair loss and white hair. Excessive stress will stimulate sympathetic nerves and activate hair pigment stem cells. After exhaustion, hair will turn white more easily. As the saying goes: the young head turns white overnight, which means that the hair turns white due to excessive stress.

reasons for gray hair
reasons for gray hair


Genes cannot be changed. Compared with other situations, this situation cannot remove the cause. The purpose of black hair can only be achieved by dyeing the hair to darken the hair.


If you suffer from autoimmune wasting disease or endocrine disorder, it will destroy the development of hair papilla, hair bulb pigment, and other tissues. Insufficient melanin secretion will hinder the formation of melanin particles and cause white hair to grow.

3 What are the ways to relieve gray hair?

Food for white hair to turn black. First of all, we must add more nutrition. Eat more black sesame seeds and black beans in your life, because these foods are rich in minerals and trace elements, which help nourish hair roots. Secondly, we must work and rest regularly. In order to maintain the secretion of melanin, go to bed and get up early. Food for white hair to turn black. Don’t work too hard at ordinary times, properly recharge your energy and give your body time to recover. How to prevent white hair from spreading.

 Food for white hair to turn black
Food for white hair to turn black

Finally, pay attention to the maintenance of the scalp. Do not wash your hair every day in autumn and winter. It is recommended to wash your hair once every 2 to 3 days. How to prevent white hair from spreading.

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