The makers on Tuesday dropped the trailer of Voot Select’s upcoming web series titled Ranjish Hi Sahi, starring Tahir Raj Bhasin, Amrita Puri, and Amala Paul in the lead roles. The video gives away most of the plot of the series. It’s not hard to make a calculated guess from the promo as to how things will pan out for a filmmaker who becomes successful and later goes on to have an extramarital affair with one of his leading ladies. Ranjish Hi Sahi Season 1 All Episodes
After watching the trailer we can say that this is good watchable web series. If you like to watch thriller web series then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this series season 1 on the Voot Se2lect. Yes this series will release on the voot select. The trailer of the series has been already released on the youtube channel and its crossed over 19 million views. After seeing the audience response we can say that this series will hit on the ott platform. Read below down all cast and crew member in detail
Ranjish Hi Sahi Season 1 All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Ranjish hi Sahi |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Tahir Raj Bhasin Amala Paul |
Director | |
Release date | 13 January 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi |
Release Platform | VOOT Select |
Yumna, a widow, leads a lonely life with her daughters, Hiba and Tooba. She gets married to Kamaal, her friend, which upsets her daughters. After her death, Hiba and Toobas lives take a drastic turn. S- Shankar is a struggling director at Bollywood with big dreams of making a successful movie with a gripping story. He meets the famous actress Amna Parvez and tries to give her his number. Shankar is on cloud nine when Amna calls him and asks him to meet with her to discuss his script. However, Shankar gets late for the meeting and Amna gives him a task as punishment. Read more updates about upcoming movies and web series on