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JPG to WEBP Converter, JPG to WebP bulk converter, How do I convert JPG to WebP, Is WebP better than JPEG,

JPG to WEBP Converter
JPG to WEBP Converter

JPG, also known as JPEG, is a file format that can contain images with a 10:1 to 20:1 lossy image compression technique. The compression technique can reduce the image size without losing the image quality. So it is widely used in web publishing to reduce image size and maintain image quality. JPG to WEBP Converter.

WebP (“weepy”) is a file format that stores images with both lossy and lossless compression. It was developed by Google, based on the acquired technology of On2.

What is Webp, Why we should use webp images in WordPress website

Webp image is fast-loading images. In this type of format, you cant crop too much. For fast-loading websites, webp images are very good and super fast. If you want to have a fast website then you should use webp images on your pages. Webp is very light and very thin also we can say that web formats are the best formats of all types of images. Many big websites are using webp formats images.

Best WordPress plugin for webp converter

WebP Converter for Media this is a WordPress plugin that helps you to convert your all JPG images into Webp automatically. If you want to have a fast website then install this plugin in your WordPress and you will see a really very fast website. Website speed will increase by 40%.

Why we should not use JPG in WordPress websites

If your website is an informational website then you would surely use the WordPress plugin webp converter. It will make your website very fast and also increase the loading time f the website. We also use webp converter or webp formats of images. You can check our website’s speed too. Website speed is really matters for ranking. If your website speed is fast then your poor hosting also can handle a lot of traffic.

Convert webp images manually

If you want to convert a JPG image into Webp images manually then you can search in google. In Google, a lot of websites will convert your JPG image into webp for free.

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