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How can I improve my kidney function naturally, Natural Supplements to improve kidney function, How to improve kidney function in elderly, What foods help repair kidneys, benefits of eating leeks

How can I improve my kidney function naturally
How can I improve my kidney function naturally

For men, the kidney not only affects physical health but also affects couples’ lives. Now that the pace of society is accelerating, many people face great pressure, and they often suffer from overeating, staying up all night, smoking, and drinking. Long-term adherence to these habits can easily cause sub-health problems in the human body, reduce immunity and resistance, and affect the normal operation of kidney function. How can I improve my kidney function naturally

Men should pay attention to the maintenance of their kidneys in their lives. When many people mention this, they first think of eating leeks and eating lamb kidneys. Everyone should have heard of this method. But does eating leeks really have an effect on body maintenance? Is this right or wrong? May wish to understand together. How can I improve my kidney function naturally

Can eating leeks nourish the kidney?

Natural Supplements to improve kidney function
Natural Supplements to improve kidney function

Leek also has a name called Yangcao. Many people think that it can nourish the kidney and nourish the qi. This statement is correct. Eating leeks can indeed have the effect of nourishing the kidney. Leeks are rich in sulfides, minerals, sugars, proteins, vitamins, and fats. They are very delicious after making them and are excellent products for kidney maintenance. Natural Supplements to improve kidney function.

Leek has been recorded in the “Compendium of Baicao”. It is mentioned in the book that leeks have the effects of aphrodisiac, nourishing essence, warming the waist and knees, and nourishing the liver and kidney. Therefore, you can usually eat more leeks in moderation to help warm the kidneys and improve kidney health. But it should be noted that this kind of food can not be eaten too much, too much is not enough, but it is easy to harm the body. Natural Supplements to improve kidney function.

Here are a few cases to tell you how to eat leeks

Natural Supplements to improve kidney function
Natural Supplements to improve kidney function

Nocturnal emission

Some men have problems with spermatorrhea in their lives, so they can use leeks to make porridge when eating. After the leeks are cleaned up, they are cooked together with japonica rice and eaten once or twice a day, which can effectively improve the phenomenon of spermatorrhea.

Premature ejaculation

Some men have premature ejaculation. They can also drink porridge made of japonica rice and leeks. About 100 grams of japonica rice and 60 grams of leeks are cooked together in a casserole. You can add some salt and eat it once a day. Be careful not to eat immediately after cooking.


Leek also has the effect of relieving impotence. You can mix 250 grams of fresh shrimp with 150 grams of leeks, fry the two ingredients and eat them. If you want a better effect, you can drink a little white wine while eating.

Waist sprain

When there is a waist sprain, you can fry the leeks in water, about 60 grams, and then eat it with a small amount of rice wine.

Doctor: If you want to invigorate the kidney, these 5 things may be better

In the ancient Chinese medicine theory, millet also has the effect of nourishing the kidney. Millet contains a lot of nutrient elements. Drinking a little millet porridge regularly can nourish the kidney and replenish qi and improve the health of the kidneys. What foods help repair kidneys.

How to improve kidney function in elderly
How to improve kidney function in elderly


Common mussels and sea rainbow are all kinds of mussels. Men can eat more in moderation in their lives. This kind of food has a delicious taste and has a good kidney effect.


Everyone should have heard the saying that black enters the kidneys. Mulberry is also a black food. You may wish to eat more in moderation at ordinary times. It can nourish the kidney and strengthen the essence. In addition, it is also very beneficial for hair maintenance and eye care.

Chinese wolfberry

What foods help repair kidneys
What foods help repair kidneys

Chinese wolfberry is a kidney-tonifying food that should be well understood. The wolfberry is often used to soak in water, which is very helpful for nourishing the kidney and can play a role in nourishing the liver and kidneys. What foods help repair kidneys.


What foods help repair kidneys
What foods help repair kidneys

Pumpkin has a high nutritional value and contains a lot of polysaccharides, which can help improve the body’s immunity and resistance after consumption. In addition, pumpkin contains a lot of amino acids and zinc, which can help improve the activity of immunoglobulins and improve the regeneration of liver and kidney cells.

In addition, what other methods can nourish the kidney

Breathing Heart Method

This method is relatively simple. Stand upright, spread your feet and shoulders, raise your arms, cross and straighten the back of your head, and concentrate all your body’s strength on the lumbar spine. Then, with the help of the strength of the lumbar spine, drive both sides of the body to press down while squatting, and the movement time is maintained for about 5 seconds. Do not move your feet or keep your heels off the ground when doing movements. How to improve kidney function in elderly

Massage acupoints

How to improve kidney function in elderly
How to improve kidney function in elderly

There are many acupoints in the human body. The Yongquan acupoint on the bottom of our feet corresponds to the kidneys. At night, you can develop the heart of soaking your feet in hot water. After soaking your feet, massage the acupuncture points on the soles of your feet. Appropriate massage of the acupoints every night has the effect of nourishing the kidney and improving the essence and speeding up the blood flow of the kidneys.

Levator exercise

The levator anus exercise also has the effect of maintaining the kidneys. During the exercise, keep the body relaxed, bulge the abdomen to inhale, and contract the abdomen to exhale. At the same time, in the process of exhalation, the anus and anterior vulva are contracted, and the process of inhalation enters a relaxed state. This is done about 10 times, which can take care of the kidneys.

Do not speak when going to the toilet

How to improve kidney function in elderly
How to improve kidney function in elderly

Some people make phone calls or talk when they go to the toilet. This behavior can easily damage the kidneys. In the process of urination and defecation, speaking will cause loss of kidney qi. Traditional Chinese medicine does not recommend that you speak at this time. Therefore, it is best to keep your mouth closed when going to the toilet. Lifting the heel at the same time can have the effect of replenishing kidney qi.


Many small details in daily life have the effect of nourishing the kidney. Everyone should develop a good diet and work and rest habits in life, which is more beneficial to the maintenance of the kidneys.

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