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Difference between 25 days and 35 days menstrual period

Introduction: As everyone knows, female friends have to come to the aunt once a month, and the body is relatively weak in those few days. Every woman has a different menstrual cycle. The standard for a normal menstrual cycle is 28 days. 7 days before and after this standard are normal. So what is the difference between women who have a menstrual period in 25 days and a menstrual period in 35 days? Which aging rate will be faster? Difference between 25 days and 35 days menstrual period

Difference between 25 days and 35 days menstrual period
Difference between 25 days and 35 days menstrual period

1. What is the difference between 25 days and 35 days when women come on their menstrual holidays?

Difference between 25 days and 35 days menstrual period
Difference between 25 days and 35 days menstrual period

The place where menstruation occurs is the uterus, so the menstrual cycle is different and is closely related to the uterus. Women with short menstrual cycles have faster follicle maturation and faster endometrial thickening, so menstruation comes earlier. But the follicle matures slowly, and the corresponding menstrual cycle will be longer. Another function of the uterus is to give birth to children. If you want to have a baby, then the body must release an egg, and a woman will do it once a month. For women with short menstrual cycles, they can meet the chance of ovulation once a month and increase the chance of conception. For women who have a menstrual period in 35 days, it means that only two months can achieve a chance of ovulation, so the chance of conception will be greatly reduced.

2. In 25 days and 35 days of menstruation, which aging rate will be faster?

Women who have a menstrual period in 25 days of life will also ovulate more frequently in a year. On the contrary, the number of ovulations during a menstrual period in 35 days will decrease, and the difference between the two is more obvious. Moreover, menstruation in 25 days will ovulate earlier than menstruation in 35 days. If calculated in this way, women will age faster if menstruation occurs once in 25 days. In fact, this is not completely absolute. Aging is also closely related to physical fitness, living habits, and daily diet. If these aspects are not in place, it will also accelerate the aging of women.

3. Women’s aging may be related to these reasons

I don’t like drinking water, I don’t drink if I’m thirsty

Women always make water. If they don’t develop the habit of drinking water, the body’s water is insufficient, the oil secretion is reduced, the skin is easy to dry, and skin aging is accelerated. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a good habit of drinking plenty of water in your life. Ingest about 2000 ml of water a day, but do not use beverages or coffee to replace plain water. The moisturizing factor contained in the dermal tissue is sodium hyaluronate. If the content is abundant, our skin will look more hydrated and firm

Don’t like sports

It is a bad habit to be too lazy to exercise at ordinary times. Appropriate exercise every day can accelerate blood circulation, promote body activity, and relax moderately. Keep the skin smooth and elastic. At the same time, it will accelerate the outflow of sweat, the secretion of the skin will reach a balanced state, and the speed of skin aging will be delayed. Therefore, we must develop a good habit of sticking to exercise.

4. What kind of checks should be done for women with irregular menstruation?

  • The examination of ovarian function generally involves the examination of vaginal epithelial cells, as well as the examination of basal body temperature and endocrine examination.
  • Examination of pituitary gland function.
  • Use CT to identify whether there is a pituitary adenoma
  • Inspection of chromosomes.
  • Use B-ultrasound to determine whether the ovaries have polycystic changes.
  • Endometrial biopsy.
  • Cervical mucus crystal examination.
  • Laparoscopy

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