There is actually a reason for this statement, a concept derived from a simple understanding of muscle physiology. In order to build muscle, we need resistance training to create a stimulus for muscle growth, while building muscle requires more nutrients to restore muscle. When we do aerobic exercise, we generally burn more calories to achieve the purpose of burning fat. This seems a bit contradictory to the fact that you need to eat a lot of calories when you want to build muscle. Why do muscle men in the gym never run for aerobics

- Between there patients with coronary heart disease suitable for exercise?these two different goals, there is a problem of fiber adaptation in conflicting muscles.
- Low-intensity aerobic exercise in particular stimulates slow-twitch fibers, while weight training or resistance training works more on fast-twitch fibers.
- If both are stimulated at the same time, it is possible that the recovery of both muscle fibers will be affected and neither will be adequately stimulated.
Damage to muscles
If the interval between muscle building training and aerobic exercise is longer, then aerobic exercise will not have a great impact on muscle growth. Of course, the interval is more than one day. Although running and doing aerobics have no effect on muscles for a certain period of time, muscular men must be unwilling to take such risks. After all, all muscles are also obtained through long-term strength training.

Muscle reductio
Muscle reduction is also something that muscular men don’t want to see. Another point is that running will damage the muscles to a certain extent, because the muscles are undergoing eccentric contraction at this time, which greatly reduces the muscle recovery ability. . At the same time, because the muscular man is full of muscles, but the weight is not light, especially the weight of the upper body, running and doing aerobics will also have a certain impact on the knees. Exercise safety factor is much higher than anaerobic exercise
Broad shoulders
Wide latissimus dorsi, perfect abdominal muscles, strong arms are all what a man needs to have in the inverted triangle of the upper body, but running is the way of exercise. Mainly the lower body is the main body, and the impact on the upper body is minimal. Compared with anaerobic, aerobic is more suitable for the needs of the public, which can not only improve cardiopulmonary function, but also relieve stress.
The safety factor of exercise is much higher than that of anaerobic exercise. With the improvement of living standards, people’s activities become less and less, muscle mass loss and fat increase, all affect people’s health. Then, we need a combination of anaerobic exercise like strength training and aerobic exercise like running to improve our physique.

If you want to prevent muscle loss during aerobic training, the two most important points are that you should not relax the intensity of strength training during aerobic training. The other is protein supplementation. Although it may reduce some of your weight loss effects, it can make you Stay as muscular as possible.
Finally, don’t believe the rumors that fat loss and muscle gain can be carried out at the same time. You should decide your own fitness and weight loss method according to your own reality. Others’ fitness and weight loss plans are different and completely suitable for you.
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