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When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?


Please do not disturb the child when he is playing alone. When the child is focusing on the toy alone, it is the process of his concentration gradually. If it is suddenly interrupted, it is easy to cause several problems of inattention. When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?

When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?
When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?
  • Doing so will not only take away the fun of playing games for children, but also deprive them of the freedom to play.
  • If the child is disturbed for a long time, the child may become hot in playing games for three minutes, lose concentration, and be easily irritable.
  • In the long run, the child will be unwilling to explore, and the observation and concentration will continue to decline, thus affecting the learning ability.
  • Parents should never disturb their children when they are focusing on something.
When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?
When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?

Baby can also play independently

Studies have shown that autonomous play is especially important for children. So what is autonomous play? It is free play caused by curiosity. During this time period, the child can play whatever he wants to play, and he can mobilize the sensory system of the child’s whole body and stimulate all the neural links of the child from head to toe. Well, in the process of playing, children can spontaneously observe, imagine, investigate, create and experiment, all of which are very effective learning.

When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?
When children play with toys alone should parents disturb them?
  • The responsibility of adults is to protect the physical and mental safety of children and should not interfere too much with the free flow of children’s thinking.
  • Now, there are many parents who restrict their children’s movements because they are dirty or messy. Well, they don’t let their children play or touch them, so that the children’s sense of touch is not developed.
  • Finally, children who have many feelings are caused by these reasons.

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