Introduction: The weather in winter is relatively cold, and some people will have backaches and cold hands and feet. In this case, you can choose hot springs, cupping, etc. to achieve the purpose of health preservation. What is Cupping Therapy in detail
Some people like to use traditional Chinese medicine to maintain their health, such as cupping and acupuncture, which have different effects. Cupping is very popular. Usually, after cupping, there will be bruises left in the corresponding part, which is very obvious. Some people say that the presence of these blood stasis indicates that toxins in the body are sucked out through cupping. Is this a correct understanding? What is Cupping Therapy in detail
Is the bruise left behind after cupping really a toxin?
There are many factors that affect the depth of blood stasis, such as the number of cupping, the thickness of each person’s skin, and different physical fitness. In addition, different cupping techniques will also affect the degree of blood stasis. After cupping, the blood stasis has a very dark color, which looks black and purple. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, it indicates that the blood in the human body is very blocked. When the cupping is finished, there is a relatively dull color, indicating that there is heavier moisture in the body, when the blood stasis appears black, it indicates that there is a problem with the internal organs.
In fact, the blood stasis left after cupping is not a manifestation of the discharge of toxins, as everyone understands. There is no relationship between these congestions and toxins. It is just a phenomenon caused by external force adsorbing the skin during cupping, causing the capillaries in the body to rupture. There is a lot of negative pressure in the process of cupping, which can cause capillary rupture, causing blood oozing and internal blood stasis in the body. The most direct manifestation is dark congestion on the surface of the skin. This is why someone will have obvious red marks on their bodies after cupping.
Generally speaking, these blood marks will disappear after 3 to 7 days. When there are no signs of disappearance after 3 to 7 days, and there is local redness and swelling, you should pay attention to go to the hospital for examination. It may be due to problems caused by allergies. Treat them in time to prevent deterioration.
Who is not suitable for cupping therapy?
1 People with external bleeding
Cupping can cause the rupture of capillaries, leading to some problems. People who have external hemorrhage can cause irritation to the meridians and may lead to hemorrhage problems. Therefore, when people are prone to bleeding, cupping should be avoided as much as possible.
2 People with convulsions or high fever
Cupping needs to use a fire flask first, and then put it on the person’s body. People who have high fever problems have symptoms of high temperature themselves and may find it difficult to adapt. Therefore, for the sake of safety, people with such problems are not recommended to use cupping.
3 People with weak physique, heart failure or severe emphysema
Some human bodies are too weak and cupping is not recommended. These people have their own diseases. During the cupping process, they may become unconscious due to their weak physique. Therefore, it is best not to try cupping.
4 People with local skin burns and skin allergies
After the skin burns, new skin will grow. The skin in these areas is relatively tender and may cause burns to the new skin during cupping. Therefore, such people should not try cupping lightly.
5 . People who have enough food and drink
After eating and eating, people are prone to nausea, vomiting, and dizziness when cupping. Therefore, when you choose cupping, you should try your best to choose three minutes full to avoid causing discomfort.
6 Women during menstruation or pregnancy
Pregnant women have a relatively special physique. In this case, cupping can easily lead to cardiac abortion. Cupping for women in menstruation will inhibit the discharge of menstrual blood in the body. Therefore, these two types of special groups are not suitable for cupping.
7 The elderly are weak, so cupping is not recommended.
When is not suitable for cupping therapy?
1 Before taking a bath
Generally, after cupping, the relevant staff will tell you to try not to take a bath within three days. Because the skin on the body will expand during this period of time, taking a bath can easily cause skin inflammation, and a lot of bacteria will enter the body, which will increase moisture in the body, which is not good for health.
2 After Drinking
After a person has finished drinking, cupping will affect the liver metabolism. The liver metabolism is blocked and the alcohol cannot be discharged from the body. Easily cause capillaries to rupture, penetrate into the epidermis of the skin, and cause skin redness and swelling. It may also cause blood to flow back to the brain and inhibit the central nervous system.
3 After Eating
Food ingested by a person needs to be digested through the stomach and intestines, and the blood needs to be concentrated in the stomach and intestines. Cupping will cause the blood to stay on the back and affect digestion. It may cause nausea and vomiting. Try to keep the time to the end of the meal. Two hours later.
4 Just finished cupping
This method of cupping is not suitable for regular use. Soon after cupping is finished, cupping again at the same position can easily damage the health of the skin and cause skin diseases. The interval between the cupping cans is generally 1 to 2 weeks, and when the second time is performed, try not to cover the first red seal to prevent wound infection.
Conclusion: There are many benefits of cupping, such as improving immunity, repelling cold, and relieving pain in the area. At the same time, there are many points that need attention. Have you ever pulled cupping? May wish to leave your feelings in the comment area.
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