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What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain? People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods


Because of the pressure of work or life, many young people do not pay attention to their eating habits and daily work and rest. Many young people find that their immunity is very low, their physical condition is not very good, and even the phenomenon of insufficient blood supply to the brain. What causes the insufficient blood supply to the brain

What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?
What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?
  • What is the insufficient blood supply to the brain?
  • What causes the insufficient blood supply to the brain?
  • People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more than 5 kinds of foods
  • What to do when the blood supply to the brain is insufficient?
  • What can’t you eat if the blood supply to the brain is insufficient?

What is the insufficient blood supply to the brain?

What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?
What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?

Speaking of insufficient blood supply to the brain, I believe many people are familiar with it, because this is a relatively common disease. It can be said to be big or small. If it is detected and treated early, it will not cause much harm to the body, but Failure to heed some of the signals our body sends to us can lead to more serious illnesses.

Let’s take a look at the manifestations of insufficient cerebral blood supply, and what kind of food people with insufficient cerebral blood supply should eat in life to be good for blood vessels.

What causes the insufficient blood supply to the brain?

The causes of insufficient blood supply to the brain mainly include the following aspects:

1. Caused by vascular factors.

What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?
What causes the insufficient blood supply to the brain?

If the patient has diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebral atherosclerosis, etc., it will lead to carotid artery plaque in the patient, causing changes in cerebral hemodynamics and causing symptoms of cerebral insufficiency.

2. Consider the relationship with cervical spondylosis

What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?
What causes insufficient blood supply to the brain?

Such as vertebral artery-type cervical spondylosis. After cervical dislocation, the vertebral artery will be compressed, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain.

3. Mainly caused by the heart.

The heart is the main factor for blood pumping. If the patient has chronic cardiac insufficiency and heart failure, the pumping function of the heart will be reduced, and the ejection of blood will be reduced, resulting in cardiac insufficiency of the cerebral blood supply.

People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more than 5 kinds of foods

People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods
People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods
  1. Kelp
  2. Garlic
  3. Bamboo shoots
  4. Carrot
  5. Tomatoes
People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods
People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods

1. Kelp

Many women like to eat kelp during pregnancy, because kelp has a unique taste, regular consumption will add some potassium and iodine to the body, and it can also clean up some garbage and fat in the blood vessels, because kelp is rich in some nutrients, which Nutrients can help heparin-secreting cells, prevent blood clotting, and reduce the concentration of cholesterol and lipoproteins in the blood. As we all know, kelp contains a lot of dietary fiber and minerals. A regular diet can help clear a large amount of cholesterol concentration in the blood vessels, and effectively discharge some cholesterol and garbage products in the blood vessels.

2. Garlic

People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods
People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods

Garlic can promote the production of a compound in the human body, which can dilate blood vessels, increase the volume of blood vessels, prevent blood coagulation and oxidation. Eating an appropriate amount of garlic every day is good for the body. Eating garlic can reduce inflammation and bacteria, improve immunity, and enhance physical fitness. Cardiovascular disease has a good preventive effect. Garlic contains a nutrient, allicin, which can effectively prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating garlic can also play a role in preventing and fighting cancer.

3. Bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are a common vegetable with high nudtritional value. It contains high trace elements and dietary fiber. These substances can help the human body clear the garbage in the blood vessels and clear the blood vessels. For those with bad blood vessels, it can be supplemented appropriately.

4.  Carrots

People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods
People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods

Radish has a certain repair and maintenance effect on the liver, effectively restores dead cells in the liver, relieves dry pressure, and eats carrots to supplement the lack of vitamin A in the body in time, which also has a certain effect on relieving vision. In addition to protecting the liver and improving eyesight, carrots can also promote Blood circulation can effectively improve the immunity of the body, prevent foreign viruses from invading the limbs in time, and improve the problem of insufficient blood supply to the brain.

5. Tomatoes

People with insufficient blood supply to the brain may eat more of 5 kinds of foods

Tomato is a vegetable suitable for all seasons. It can be eaten raw or fried. It is sweet and sour. It is very popular among people. Tomatoes are very beneficial to human blood vessels because they contain vitamins and trace elements. Blood vessels, promote blood circulation, effectively relieve the problem of insufficient blood supply to the brain.

What to do when the blood supply to the brain is insufficient?

Patients with insufficient blood supply to the brain need conditioning in many ways: One is to adjust their life and diet, not to be emotional, not to stay up late, to reduce the psychological burden, they should eat a low-salt and low-fat diet, and should not eat high-fat foods, such as squid, hairtail, egg yolk, fatty meat, animal offal and fried Food, do not eat pickled food, and use less salt when cooking.
Second, controlling the levels of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, and uric acid helps to regulate the insufficiency of cerebral blood supply. Oral antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering and hypoglycemic drugs, and oral febuxostat can reduce blood uric acid. Third, patients with severe disease can use drugs that improve blood supply such as aspirin and statins to regulate the lack of blood supply to the brain.

What can’t you eat if the blood supply to the brain is insufficient?

The reason for insufficient blood supply to the brain may be the increase in blood viscosity, and the increase in blood components leads to slow blood flow, such as blood lipids. Therefore, to control blood lipids, the following aspects should be paid attention to in diet:

  • Reduce the intake of fats, such as animal oils, which can be replaced with olive oil and vegetable oils.
  • Avoid eating foods that are likely to cause elevated blood lipids, such as animal offal and nuts such as sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.
  • Try to eat a low-salt diet, reduce water and sodium retention, and eat more seafood, such as deep-sea fish.
  • Eat more whole grains, such as wowotou, sorghum, etc. At the same time, strengthen exercise to improve physical fitness.

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