The Staircase is an upcoming American true crime drama streaming television miniseries created and written by Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn, based on the 2004 true-crime docuseries of the same name created by Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. The series stars Colin Firth as Michael Peterson, a writer convicted of murdering his wife Kathleen Peterson (Toni Collette), who was found dead at the bottom of the staircase in their home. The series is set to premiere on HBO Max on May 5, 2022. The Staircase (2022) Tv Series All Episodes in English
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The traler of the series has been already released on the Youtube channel. And the trailer crossed over 8 million views on youtube. After seeing the audience response as views we can say that audience like to watch this series. But the series will only release in English languages, but the best thing is that it will also release with subtitles too. So you can also watch with the help of substitles too. Read below down all cast and crew members of the series in detail.
The Staircase (2022) Tv Series All Episodes Cast and Crew Member
Series | The Staircase |
Genre | Crime |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Colin Firth Toni Collette Rosemarie DeWitt Juliette Binoche Parker Posey Sophie Turner Odessa Young Patrick Schwarzenegger Dane DeHaan Olivia DeJonge Michael Stuhlbarg Tim Guinee |
Creator | Antonio Campos Maggie Cohn |
Producer | Antonio Campos Maggie Cohn |
Production Company | Annapurna Television |
Release Date | 5 May 2022 |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | HBO Max |
The Staircase (2022) Tv Series All Cast
- Colin Firth as Michael Peterson
- Toni Collette as Kathleen Peterson
- Rosemarie DeWitt as Candace Hunt Zamperini
- Juliette Binoche as Sophie Brunet
- Parker Posey as Freda Black
- Sophie Turner as Margaret Ratliff
- Odessa Young as Martha Ratliff
- Patrick Schwarzenegger as Todd Peterson
- Dane DeHaan as Clayton Peterson
- Olivia DeJonge as Caitlin Atwater
- Michael Stuhlbarg as David Rudolf
- Tim Guinee as Bill Peterson
- Vincent Vermignon [fr] as Jean-Xavier
- Hannah Pniewski as Becky
- Kevin Sizemore as Mark Zamperini
- Robert Crayton as Ron Guerette
Recurring Cast
- Cory Scott Allen as Art Holland
- Justice Leak as Tom Maher
- Ryan Lewis as Bruce Campbell
- Joel McKinnon Miller as Larry Pollard
- Trini Alvarado as Patricia Sue Peterson
- Cullen Moss as Jim Hardin
- Daniela Lee as Devon
- Teri Wyble as Sonya Pfeiffer
- Susan Pourfar as Dr. Deborah Radisch
- Jason Davis as Fred Atwater
- Frank Feys as Denis Poncet
- Jean-Luc McMurtry as Gaultier
The Staircase (2022) Tv Series All Episodes in English, Spanish Dubbed
English Release Date | 5 May 2022 |
Spanish Release Date | Not Announced |
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