Superman & Lois is an American superhero drama television series developed for The CW by Todd Helbing and Greg Berlanti, based on the DC Comics characters Superman and Lois Lane, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch star as the title characters Clark Kent / Superman, a costumed superhero, and Lois Lane, a journalist for the Daily Planet. The series is set in the Arrowverse, sharing continuity with the other television series of the franchise. Superman And Lois Season 2
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of series season 2 has been already released on youtube. And its crossed only 500k views on youtube. After seeing the audience response as views comparison its seems the second season is not like the first season. The second season of Superman and Lois will release on 11 January 2022 on CW. It will only release in English languages with subtitles. Read below down all cast and crew members of the series in detail.
Superman And Lois Season 2 All Cast And crew member
Series | Superman and Lois |
Genre | Superhero, Action |
Season | 2 |
Cast | Tyler Hoechlin Elizabeth Tulloch Jordan Elsass Alex Garfin Erik Valdez Inde Navarrette Wolé Parks Adam Rayner Dylan Walsh Emmanuelle Chriqui Stacey Farber |
Producer | Karyn Smith-Forge Carl Ogawa Jennifer Lence Nadria Tucker Louis Shaw Milito |
Production Company | Berlanti Productions DC Entertainment Warner Bros. Television Studios |
Release date | 11 January 2022 |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | CW |
Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane | |
Tyler Hoechlin as Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman | |
Emmanuelle Chriqui Lana Lang-Cushing | |
Jordan Elsass as Jonathan Kent | |
Erik Valdez as Kyle Cushing | |
Inde Navarrette as Sarah Cushing | |
Stacey Farber as Leslie Larr |
More updates about this series
This series season 2 will release on 11 January 2022 on CW Platform. You can watch season 2 all episodes on the Cw Platform. But this series will only release in English languages. But the best thing is that it will release with subtitles too. You can watch the series with the help of subtitles and enjoy it. Read more updates about upcoming movies and web series on