Shining Girls is an upcoming American thriller streaming television series based on the 2013 novel The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes. The series is set to star Elisabeth Moss and Wagner Moura and is scheduled to premiere on Apple TV+ on April 29, 2022. A portion of the series showed at SXSW in March 11, 2022. The series is going to release on the eAplle Tv on 29 April 2022 in English language. Shining Girls (2022) All Episodes In English
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of the series has been already released on the youtube channel. And the trailer crossed over 3 million views on youtube. After seeing the audience’s response as views. We can say that audience like to watch this series. If you like to watch girls’ thriller series then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this series season 1 on 29 Aprile 2022. Read below down all cast and crew members of the series in detail.
Shining Girls (2022) All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Shining Girls |
Season | 1 |
Genre | Thriller |
Cast | Elisabeth Moss Wagner Moura Jamie Bell Phillipa Soo |
Creator | Silka Luisa |
Writer | Silka Luisa |
Producer | Elisabeth Moss Silka Luisa Leonardo DiCaprio Lindsey McManus Jennifer Davisson Lauren Beukes Alan Page Arriaga Michelle MacLaren Rebecca Hobbs Daina Reid |
Production company | MRC Television Love & Squalor Pictures Appian Way Productions |
Release Date | 29 April 2022 |
Release Language | English with substitles |
Release Platform | Apple Tv + |
- Elisabeth Moss is playing the role as Kirby Mazrachi
- Wagner Moura is playing the role as Dan
- Jamie Bell is playing the role as Harper Curtis
- Phillipa Soo is playing the role as Jin-Sook
- Amy Brenneman is playing the role as Rachel
Supporting cast
- Deanna Reed-Foster as Sheila
- Marc Grapey as Howard
- Bridget Beasley as Patron
- Chris Chalk as Marcus
- Andy McDermott as Officer Leslie
- Giota Trakas as Koki Bar Goer
- Brian Boland as Detective Samuels
- Karen Rodriguez as Julia Madrigal
- Hanna Dworkin as Iris Laskaris
- Maizie Landfear as Girl
- Walter Coppage as TV Reporter
- Michael McCracken as Reporter
- Tony Domino as Copy Editor
- Brian Laesch as Michael Polacheck
- Matthew Salter as E.R. Visitor (uncredited)
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