Schumacher is an upcoming sports documentary film co-directed by Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns, Vanessa Nöcker, and Michael Welch, about the German Formula One racing driver Michael Schumacher. The film will be released on 15 September 2021 on Netflix, coinciding with Schumacher’s entry into Formula One, 30 years ago. The film documents Schumacher’s rise to prominence, his injury, and his recovery. If you like to watch a documentary film then it will be a good watchable film for you. It will release on the OTT Platform Netflix. Schumacher Movie Hindi Dubbed Read Below down in detail.
The film was produced in cooperation with Schumacher’s family using private family archives, Formula One archive footage, and interviews. The film features interviews with Schumacher’s wife Corinna, his father Rolf, his brother Ralf, and his children Gina-Maria and Mick, and interviews with prominent figures of Formula One including, Jean Todt, Bernie Ecclestone, Sebastian Vettel, Mika Häkkinen, Damon Hill, David Coulthard, and Flavio Briatore. The film is co-directed by Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns, Vanessa Nöcker, and Michael Welch, and produced by Vanessa Nöcker and Benjamin Seikel for B14 Film
Schumacher Movie All Cast and Crew Member
Movie | Schumacher |
Cast | |
Based On | Michael Schumacher |
Director | Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns Vanessa Nöcker Michael Welch |
Producer | Vanessa Nöcker Benjamin Seikel |
Production Company | B14 Film |
Release Platform | Netflix |
Release Date | 15 September |
Release Language | English, Hindi |
Run Time | 112 minutes |
Schumacher Movie Hindi Dubbed
Schumacher Movie Hindi Dubbed ist will release on Netflix on 15 September 2021. You can watch this documentary film in Hindi dubbed too. Also, this documentary will release in the English language too. Read more movie updates on