Savage Beauty is an upcoming Netflix series. The series revolves around a mysterious young woman named Zinhle, played by Rosemary Zimu, who carries the baggage of her tragic past. She is determined to take revenge on the powerful Bhengus family— who possess a global beauty empire. By slowly embedding herself into the family, she returns to their lives with a vengeance. Apart from Rosemary Zimu, the cast includes Dumisani Mbebe, Nthati Moshesh, Nambitha Ben-Mazwi, Angela Sithole and Jesse Suntele, among others. The South-African drama series’ writing is credited to Lebogang Mogashoa. The series is going to release on 12 May 2022 in the English Language. Savage Beauty (2022) Tv Series Wikipedia
After watching the trailer we can say that this is good watchable series. The trailer of the series has already been released on the youtube channel. And the trailer crossed 200k views on the youtube channel. This series will only release in the English language. But the best thing is that it will also release in multi-language subtitles too. You can watch this series with the help of subtitles too. Read below down all cast and crew member of the series in detail.
Savage Beauty Tv Series All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Savage Beauty |
Genre | Mystery Drama |
Season | 1 |
Episodes | 6 |
Cast | Rosemary Zimu Dumisani Mbebe Nthati Moshesh |
Director | Denny Y. Miller Thati Pele Rea Rangaka |
Writer | Lebogang Mogashoa Lebogang Mogashoa Nelisa Ngcobo Neo Sibiya |
Release Date | 12 May 2022 |
Release Language | English With Substitles |
Release Platform | Netflix |
- Rosemary Zimu as Zinhle
- Dumisani Mbebe as Don Bhengu
- Nthati Moshesh as Grace Bhengu
- Jesse Suntele as Phila Bhengu
- Oros Mampofu as Ndu Bhengu
- Nambitha Ben-Mazwi as Linda Bhengu
- Angela Sithole as Thando Bhengu
- Mpho Sebeng
- John Ncamane as Kolobe
- Tina Redman as Zandi
- Didintle Khunou as Vee
- Nandi Mbatha as Ruby
- Thami Ngoma as Regina
- Bontle Mosethla
- Mampho Brescia as Angela Makwethu
- Vele Manenje as Makhosi Mnisi
- Khutjo Green as Chief NUrse
- Eve Rasimeni as Nurse Noni
- Bridget Masinga as Bhengu PR Person
- Slindile Nodangala as Gogo Simphiwe
- Mntaha Vika as Doctor
Savage Beauty (2022) Tv Series All Episodes
No Of Episodes | Release Date |
1 | 12 May 2022 |
2 | 12 May 2022 |
3 | 12 May 2022 |
4 | 12 May 2022 |
5 | 12 May 2022 |
6 | 12 May 2022 |
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