Rescued by Ruby is an upcoming 2022 American Netflix original biographical drama film directed by Katt Shea. Its story follows a state trooper named Dan, who dreams of joining the K-9 search and rescue team of the state police, however, has been unsuccessful in doing so until he befriends a shelter dog named Ruby. The film is set to be released on March 17, 2022. You can watch this movie on 17 March 2022 on Netflix. Rescued by Ruby Full Movie Watch Online Netflix
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. The trailer crossed over 700k views on the youtube channel. After seeing the audience’s response we can say that audience likes to watch this movie. This movie will release in the English language on netflix. But the best thing is that it will also release in multilanguage substiles too. Read below down all cast and crew members of the movie in detail.
Rescued by Ruby Movie All Cast And Crew Member
Movie | Rescued by Ruby |
Genre | Biographical |
Cast | Grant Gustin Scott Wolf Kaylah Zander |
Director | Katt Shea |
Writer | Karen Janszen |
Producer | Dan Angel Jane Charles Brian Gott |
Production Company | Fezziwig Studios |
Release Date | 17 March 2022 |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | Netflix |
- Grant Gustin is playing the role as Dan
- Scott Wolf is playing the role as Matt Zarrella
- Kaylah Zander is playing the role as Melissa
- Camille Sullivan is playing the role as Pat Inman
- Tom McBeath is playing the role as Seamus Brady
- Sharon Taylor is playing the role as Sam
- Eileen Pedde is playing the role as Sergeant Amanda Grinnell
- Jude Culham-Keays is playing the role as Michael
- Giacomo Baessato is playing the role as Rick McGuinness
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