Moon Knight is an upcoming American television miniseries created by Jeremy Slater for the streaming service Disney+, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It is intended to be the sixth television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) produced by Marvel Studios, sharing continuity with the films of the franchise. Slater serves as a head writer with Mohamed Diab leading the directing team. It will stream on March 2022 on Disney Hotstar. Yes, you can watch this series from the end of the month 30 march 2022. Moon Knight Season 1 All Episodes Hindi Dubbed
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. If you like to watch superhero series then you can watch this series. The trailer of the series crossed over 3 million views in just an hour. After seeing the audience’s response we can say that this series will hit on the Disney Plus. This series is a superhero series an also action thriller series. Here you will see a lot of action scenes in this series. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail.
Moon Knight Season 1 All Cas and Crew Member
Series | Moon Knight |
Genre | Superhero, action, action thriller |
Season | 1 |
Cast | Oscar Isaac Ethan Hawke May Calamawy |
Creator | Jeremy Slater |
Producer | Louis D’Esposito Victoria Alonso Brad Winderbaum Oscar Isaac Mohamed Diab Jeremy Slater |
Production Company | Marvel Studios |
Release Date | 30 March 2022, Worldwide |
Release Language | English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam |
Release Platform | Disney Hotstar Plus |
More updates about this series, Hindi dubbed
This series will only release in English languages. Now this series will release in multi-languages and the trailer f Hindi has been already released on the youtube channel. So you can watch this series in only English languages. But the best thing is that it will release with English subtitles too. You can watch with the help of subtitles. If any updates will come out related to another release language. We will provide all updates here