Mere Desh Ki Dharti is a 2022 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Faraz Haider and produced by Vaishali Sarwankar under the banner of Carnival Motion Pictures, part of entertainment conglomerate Carnival Group. The film has an ensemble cast of Divyenndu Sharma, Anant Vidhaat, and Anupriya Goenka, Avantika Khattri and rotates around two engineers and their transforming journey in life. The film also portrays the harsh realities of farmers in the villages of India. The movie is going to release in the theater on 6 May 2022 in Hindi Langage. Mere Desh Ki Dharti Movie Release Date USA
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. And the trailer crossed over 7 million views on the youtube channel. After seeing the audience’s response as views we can say that audience like to watch this movie. If you like to watch comedy movies then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this movie in the theater on 6 May 2022 in Hindi language. Read below down all cast and crew members of the movie in detail.
Mere Desh Ki Dharti (2022) Movie All Cast and Crew Member, Mere Desh Ki Dharti Movie Release Date USA, Canada, UK, Australia
Movie | Mere Desh Ki Dharti (2022) |
Genre | Comedy |
Cast | Divyenndu Sharma Anant Vidhaat Anupriya Goenka Inaamulhaq Brijendra Kala Rajesh Sharma Atul Shrivastava Farrukh Jaffar Avantika Khattri |
Director | Faraz Haider |
Producer | Vaishali Sarwankar |
Production company | Carnival Motion Pictures |
Release Date | 6 May 2022, Worldwide |
Release language | Hindi |
Release Platform | Theater |
Ott Release Date | Expect in July 2022 |
Anupriya Goenka as Jhumki | |
Avantika Khattri as Priyanka Khurrana | |
Divyenndu Sharma as Ajay | |
Anant Vidhaat as Sameer |
- Divyenndu Sharma is playing the role as Ajay
- Anant Vidhaat is playing the role as Ajay’s friend, Sameer
- Anupriya Goenka is playing the role as Jhumki
- Inaamulhaq is playing the role as Pappan Khan
- Brijendra Kala is playing the role as Dubey Ji
- Rajesh Sharma is playing the role as Kishanlal
- Avantika Khattri is playing the role as Priyanka Khurrana
- Atul Shrivastava is playing the role as Ajay’s father
- Farrukh Jaffar is playing the role as Daadi
- Rutuja Shinde is playing the role as Shilpa
- Dali Tahil is playing the role as Shilpa’s father
- Manu Rishi Chadha is playing the role as Billu
- Imran Rasheed is playing the role as Ramdas
- Kamlesh Sawant is playing the role as Bhau
- Scarlett Wilson is playing the role as Special appearance
- Neel Chakraborty is playing the role as Gautam
Mere Desh Ki Dharti Full Movie Watch Online
The movie is going to release in the theater on 6 Mat 2022. But it will also release on the Ott platform too. Ott release date of the movie is not confirmed yet. If any updates will come out the related ott the release date. Then we will provide all updates on
- Mere Desh Ki Dharti Movie Ott Release Date Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Hotstar, Zee5
- Mere Desh Ki Dharti Full Movie Watch Online Netflix, Amzon Prime, Disney Hotstar, Zee5