Mai is an Indian crime thriller web series directed by Atul Mongia and Anshai Lal. It features Sakshi Tanwar, Raima Sen and Wamiqa Gabbi in the lead roles. The story of the series is based on a mother who wants to take revenge for her daughter’s death. The series is currently being made under the banner of Clean Slate Filmz. The series is going to release on 15 April 2022 on Netflix in Hindi languages. You can watch this series of all episodes on Netflix. Mai Web series Wikipedia
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable series. The trailer of the series has been already released on the youtube channel and the trailer crossed over 15 million views on youtube. After seeing the audience response as views we can say that audience like to watch this series. If you like to watch crime thriller series then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this series on Netflix in Hindi languages. But the best thing is that it will also release with multi-languages subtitles. So you can watch with the help of subtitles too. Read below down all cast and crew members of the series in detail.
Mai Web Series All Cast And Crew Member
Series | Mai |
Genre | Crime, Thriller |
Main Cast | Sakshi Tanwar Raima Sen Wamiqa Gabbi Vivek Mushran Seema Pahwa |
Genre | Crime Thriller |
Creator | Atul Mongia |
Director | Anshai Lal Atul Mongia |
Producer | Karnesh Sharma |
Co-Producer | Manoj Mittra |
Story and Screenplay | Atul Mongia Amita Vyas Tamal Kumar Sen |
Editor | Manas Mittal |
DoP | Ravi Kiran Ayyagari |
Lyrics | Anvitaa Butt |
Associate Producer | Saurabh Malhotra |
Casting Director | Atul Mongia |
Executive Producer | Anshai Lal Karnesh Ssharma Sudip Sharma Atul Mongia Anshai Lal |
Associate Producer | Saurabh Malhotra |
Production Designer | Meenal Agarwal |
Costume Designer | Veera Kapur Ee |
Background Music Composer | Sagar Desai |
Sound Design | Vinit D’souza |
Creative Director | Ankit Malik |
Production House | Clean Slate Filmz |
- Sarika Singh is playing the role as Meenu
- Jay Shanker Pandey is playing the role Madan Truck Driver
- Ravish Srivastava is playing the role as Arms suppllier
- Prashant Narayanan
- Vishwanath Kulkarni is playing the role as Goyal’s Goon
- Wamiqa Gabbi
- Sakshi Tanwar
- Raima Sen
- Seema Bhargava
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