Mahaan (transl. Great) is an upcoming Indian Tamil-language action thriller film written and directed by Karthik Subbaraj and produced by S. S. Lalit Kumar under the banner of Seven Screen Studio. The film stars Vikram, his son Dhruv, Bobby Simha, Simran, and Vani Bhojan, with Sananth, Vettai Muthukumar, Deepak Paramesh, and Aadukalam Naren in supporting roles. The film’s music is composed by Santhosh Narayanan, with cinematography handled by Shreyas Krishna and editing done by Vivek Harshan. It is scheduled to be released on 10 February 2022 on Amazon Prime Video. you can watch this movie on 10 February 2022 on Amazon Prime. Mahaan Movie Hindi Dubbed
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. If you like to watch south Indian movies then it will be the best option for you. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. the trailer crossed over 7 million views on youtube. After seeing the audience’s response as view it seems the audience like to watch this movie. But currently, this movie will only release in the Tamil language. The Hindi dubbed release date is not announced yet. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail.
Mahaan Movie all cast and crew member
Movie | Mahaan |
Genre | Action Thriller |
Cast | Vikram Dhruv Vikram Simran Vani Bhojan |
Director and Writer | Karthik Subbaraj |
Producer | S. S. Lalit Kumar |
Production Company | Seven Screen Studio |
Release date | 10 February 2022 |
Release Language | Tamil |
Release Platform | Amazon prime |
Hindi Release Date | Expect in March 2022 |
Vani Bhojan as Mangai | |
Simran as Naachi | |
Vikram as Gandhi Mahaan | |
Dhruv Vikram as Dada |
- Vikram is playing the role as Gandhi Mahaan
- Dhruv Vikram is playing the role as Dada
- Bobby Simha is playing the role as Sathyavan
- Simran is playign the role as Naachi
- Vani Bhojan
- Sananth is playing the role as Rocky
- Vettai Muthukumar is playing the role as Gnanam
- Deepak Paramesh
- Aadukalam Naren is playing the role as Gandhi Mahaan’s father
More updates about this movie
Currently, this movie will only release in Tamil languages. Hind release date is not announced yet. But this, the movie will release in Hindi dubbed too. if any updates will come out related Hindi dubbed release date. Then we will provide you all updates on