Jungle Cry is an upcoming sports drama movie. Based on the inspiring true story of 12 underprivileged and orphan children from Kalinga Institute in Odisha, India ‘Jungle Cry’ follows their triumphant journey to the International Junior Rugby Tournament held in the UK in 2007. The film stars Abhay Deol, Emily Shah, Julian Lewis Jones, Sherry Baines, Ross O’Hennessy, Richard Elfyn, and Rhyps Ap Willaim. It was directed by Sagar Ballary, filmed by Parixit Warrior, scored by Rohit Kulkarni, and produced by Bollywood Hollywood Production. The movie is going to release on 3 June 2022 on Lionsgate. Jungle Cry Wikipedia
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. And the trailer of the movie crossed over 10 million views. If you like to watch sports drama movies then it will be the best option for you. You can watch this movie in the Hindi language on Lionsgate on 3 June 2022. The trailer of the movie was liked by many audiences so we can say that this movie will be a hit. Read below down all cast and crew members of the movie in detail.
Jungle Cry All Cast And Crew Member, Release Date, Platform
Movie | Jungle Cry |
Genre | Sports |
Cast | Abhay Deol Emily Shah Julian Lewis Jones Sherry Baines Ross O’Hennessy Richard Elfyn Rhyps Ap Willaim |
Director | Sagar Ballary |
Writer | Dipankar Giri Diane Charles Shubhodeep Pal |
Release date | 3 June 2022 |
Release Language | Hindi |
Release Platform | Lionsgate Play |
- Steve Aldis is playing the role as Plane Passenger
- Rhys ap William is playing the role as Mark
- Sherry Baines is playing the role as Nicola Bennett
- Abhay Deol is playing the role as Rudra
- Richard Elfyn is playing the role as Richard Bennett
- Julian Lewis Jones is playing the role as Dale Bright
- Atul Kumar is playing the role as Dr. Achyuta Samanta
- Ross O’Hennessy is playing the role as Tim Harris
- Saujas Pannigrahy is playing the role as Rugby Player
- Emily Shah is playing the role as Roshni Thakkar (as Emily Anila Shah)
- Stewart Wright is playing the role as Paul Walsh
More Updates About This Movie
Helmed by Sagar Ballary, this sports drama is based on the real-life story of the founder of Bhubaneswar’s Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) and their triumphant journey with the ‘underdogs’ of Rugby.
Jungle Cry Movie Trailer
Jungle Cry OTT Release Date and Time?
June 03, 2022, Jungle Cry movie will hit the OTT space on June 03, 2022
Where to watch Jungle Cry?
OTT, the Jungle Cry movie will hit the OTT space on June 03, 2022
Jungle Cry Movie on Netflix
No, Not Available on Netflix
Jungle Cry Movie on Amazon Prime Video
No, Not Available on Prime Video
Jungle Cry Movie on Aha Video
No, Not Available on Aha Video
Jungle Cry Movie on Hotstar
No, Not Available on Hotstar
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