Firestarter is an upcoming American science fiction horror film directed by Keith Thomas, from a screenplay by Scott Teems, based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. It is a reboot of the 1984 film adaptation of the same name and stars Zac Efron, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Sydney Lemmon, Kurtwood Smith, John Beasley, Michael Greyeyes, and Gloria Reuben. The film is produced by Jason Blum and Akiva Goldsman under their Blumhouse Productions and Weed Road Pictures banners, respectively, alongside BoulderLight Pictures and Angry Adam Pictures. The movie is going to release in the theater and on Peacock Tv on 13 May 2022. Firestarter (2022) Movie Ott Release Date USA
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. And it’s crossed over 20 million views on the youtube channel. After seeing the audience’s response as views we can say that audience liked to watch this movie. If you like to watch science fiction movies then it will be the best option for you. But this movie will only release in the English language in the theater. But it will also release on the ott platform Peacock tv. You can watch this movie on the Peacock tv. Read below down all cast and crew members of the movie in detail.
Firestarter (2022) All Cast and Crew Member
Movie | Firestarter |
Genre | Science Fiction |
Cast | Zac Efron Ryan Kiera Armstrong Sydney Lemmon Kurtwood Smith John Beasley Michael Greyeyes Gloria Reuben |
Director | Keith Thomas |
Producer | Jason Blum Akiva Goldsman |
Production Company | Blumhouse Productions Weed Road Pictures BoulderLight Pictures Angry Adam Productions |
Release Date | 13 May 2022 |
Release Language | English |
Release Platform | Theater and Peacock |
Ott Release Date | 13 May 2022 Peacock Tv |
Hindi Release Date | Not Announced |
- Zac Efron is playing the role as Andrew “Andy” McGee
- Ryan Kiera Armstrong is playing the role as Charlene “Charlie” McGee
- Sydney Lemmon is playing the role as Victoria “Vicky” McGee (born Tomlinson)
- Kurtwood Smith is playing the role as Dr. Joseph Wanless
- John Beasley is playing the role as Irv Manders
- Michael Greyeyes is playing the role as John Rainbird
- Gloria Reuben is playing the role as Captain Hollister
Firestarter (2022) Hollywood Movie Hindi dubbed
The movie is going to release in the theater on 13 May 2022. And it will also release on Peacock tv on 13 May 2022. But this movie will release only in the English language with subtitles too. If any other language release date will be updated. We will provide all updates on