FIR is a 2022 Indian Tamil-language crime thriller film written and directed by Manu Anand and produced by Shubhra and Aryan Ramesh under the banner of VV Studioz. The film features Vishnu Vishal, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Manjima Mohan, Reba Monica John, Raiza Wilson in lead roles, and Gaurav Narayanan and Prashanth Rangaswamy in supporting roles. The film’s music is composed by Ashwath, with editing by Prasanna GK. The film released by theatrically on 11 February 2022. The film opened mixed to mostly positive reviews from critics and audience with praising Vishnu Vishal, Gautham Menon and Raiza Wilson’s performances. The film was a commercial success at the box-office. FIR Movie Hindi Dubbed Release Date
FIR Movie Movie All Cast And Crew Member
Movie | FIR |
Genre | Crime Thriller |
Cast | Vishnu Vishal Gautham Vasudev Menon Reba Monica John Manjima Mohan Raiza Wilson Maala Parvathy |
Director | Manu Anand |
Writer | Manu Anand Divyanka Anand Shankar |
Producer | Vishnu Vishal Shubhra Aryan Ramesh |
Production Company | VV Studioz |
Release Date | 11 February 2022 |
Release Language | Tamil |
Release Platform | Theater |
Ott Release Date | 12 March 2022 |
Hindi Release date | Expect in April 2022 |
- Vishnu Vishal is playing the role as Irfan Ahmed / Faizal Ibrahim Raiz
- Manjima Mohan is playing the role as Prathana
- Gautham Vasudev Menon is playing the role as Ajay Devan
- Reba Monica John is playing the role as Archana
- Parvathi T. is playing the role as Praveena Begum
- Gaurav Narayanan is playing the role as Suraj
- Raiza Wilson is playing the role as Anisha Qureshi
- Ram C is playing the role as Karthikeyan
- Abishek Joseph George is playing the role as Riyaz
- Jayaditya Kang is playing the role as Ajay Dewan’s son
- Balaganesh is playing the role as body guard
- BCS Chandru is playing the role as Aravind Guruswamy
- Praveen Muthurangan is playing the role as Gunashekar Kolliyapan
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