Encanto is a 2021 American computer-animated musical coming-of-fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The 60th film produced by the studio, it is directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush, co-directed by Charise Castro Smith, and produced by Clark Spencer and Yvett Merino, with songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The film stars the voices of Stephanie Beatriz, John Leguizamo, María Cecilia Botero, Diane Guerrero, Jessica Darrow, Angie Cepeda, and Wilmer Valderrama.Encanto Movie Hindi Dubbed.
Set in a fantasy version of Colombia, it tells the story of Mirabel Madrigal, a young Colombian woman dealing with the frustration of being the only member of her family without magical powers, who must go on a journey to save her family and their house, when their magic is in danger of disappearing. Encanto Movie Hindi Dubbed.
After watching the trailer we can say that this is a good watchable movie. The trailer of the movie has been already released on the youtube channel. Encanto movie trailer crossed over 32 million views. After seeing the audience’s response we can say that this movie will hit the box office. This movie will release on 24 November in English and Spanish languages. Read below down all cast and crew members in detail.
Encanto Movie All Cast and Crew Members
Movie | Encanto |
Genre | Fantasy |
Cast | Stephanie Beatriz John Leguizamo María Cecilia Botero Diane Guerrero Jessica Darrow Angie Cepeda Wilmer Valderrama |
Director | Byron Howard Jared Bush |
Writer, Story | Jared Bush Charise Castro Smith Byron Howard Jason Hand Nancy Kruse Lin-Manuel Miranda |
Producer | Clark Spencer Yvett Merino |
Production Company | Walt Disney Pictures Walt Disney Animation Studios |
Release Language | English, Spanish |
Release Platform | Theater |
Release Date | 24 November 2021 |
OTT Release Date | Expect in December |
Hindi Release Date | Upcoming |
Encanto Movie Hindi Dubbed
Encanto movie Hindi dubbed release date expect in November. This time this movie is only released in two languages English and Spanish. This movie will release in the Hindi language too. But the release date of Hindi dubbed is not confirmed. We will provide you with all related information about the Hindi dubbed release of this film on www.facefof.com.